Identification of Key Resource Areas

Key Resource Areas (KRAs) are applied to locations across Queensland that contain extractive resources of state significance.

Criteria for identification of KRAs

KRAs are identified based on one or more of the following criteria:

  • size – the size of the extractive resource is equal to or greater than the annual demand for the commodity type in its region or sub-region
  • production – the resource is capable of producing 5% of annual demand for the commodity type in its region or sub-region
  • market – the resource can supply more than 1 significant part of the region or sub-region
  • scarcity – the resource has particular physical properties that are scarce in the region or sub-region
  • specialised – the resource is a specialised resource needed for strategic infrastructure.

The criteria are contained in the SPP guideline for mining and extractive resources (PDF, 7.6MB).

Assessment of potential KRAs

Potential KRAs are assessed by the Geological Survey of Queensland (GSQ), part of the Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing, and Regional and Rural Development. The assessment can be initiated by the GSQ (e.g. as a result of its field work) or when data is provided by local government or extractive industry operators.

During its assessment, GSQ will undertake a technical review of the potential KRA against the state or regional significance criteria as summarised above.

If the extractive resource meets these criteria, the department will consult with local governments, industry proponents and affected landowners to understand the local context and the potential impacts of the proposed KRA.

If the department decides to proceed, it will seek to have the proposed KRA recognised in the State Planning Policy. However the final approval is the responsibility of the minister responsible for the Planning Act 2016.

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