Mutual recognition of interstate mining competencies

If you hold an equivalent certificate of competency issued by another Australian or New Zealand jurisdiction, you can apply to have it recognised by mutual recognition. You will need to hold the relevant risk management competency as outlined in the application form below.

Mutual recognition is available for the certificates listed below.

The Board of Examiners keeps a register of certificates and notices issued. To check if one has been issued, email

Essential information prior to application

Important information

The Board of Examiners has transitioned to digital smartform applications and will no longer accept paper-based applications.

For submission of a mutual recognition request, ensure you have thoroughly reviewed, completed, and, where applicable, certified all necessary documents listed in the table below. To ensure your application is considered valid, you must submit a fully completed application form along with all required supporting documentation.

Requirements for all applications
  • Certified copy of photographic proof of identity—passport or driver's licence.
  • Certified copies of all current registration documents (certificate of competency, and practising certificate if applying from NSW).
  • Applying by sitting a law exam: When the applicant plans to sit a law exam to demonstrate knowledge of the Queensland Act and Regulations, a nominated session for the written exam at the Board of Examiners' scheduled venue or a suitable alternative (Note: You may change this nomination at a later date; see below for times and additional information.
  • Applying by SSE endorsement: If an applicant has prospective employment at a Queensland site, the Site Senior Executive (SSE) of that site must verify they have assessed the applicant as having adequate knowledge of the Queensland Act and Regulations. Therefore a signed statement from the current SSE (PDF, 177KB) must be provided. This statement confirms that the SSE has taken responsibility for ensuring the applicant's understanding of the relevant Queensland legislation.
  • Certified copy of current qualifications specific to the role (see requirements below).
Additional requirements by competency
First class mine manager (underground metalliferous mines)
  • RIIRIS601E – establish and maintain the risk management system

$47.65 (excl. GST)

First class mine manager (underground coal mines)

  • RIIRIS601E – establish and maintain the risk management system

$47.65 (excl. GST)

Second class mine manager (underground coal mines)

  • RIIRIS402E – carry out the risk management process

$47.65 (excl. GST)


  • RIIRIS402E – carry out the risk management process

$28.20 (excl. GST)

Open-cut examiner

  • RIIRIS402E – carry out the risk management process
  • RIIENV301E – conduct atmospheric monitoring

$28.20 (excl. GST)

Certification of documents

The following persons will be accepted to certify a document:

  • commissioner for declarations
  • a justice of the peace.

Find a justice of the peace or commissioner for declarations in Queensland.

Change of name and supporting documents

If you have changed your name or the details of your name are different on the documents provided, you must provide evidence of the name change from the relevant Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages. It is the applicant's responsibility to:

  • provide official translation of those documents that are in a language other than English
  • ensure documents with an expiry date are renewed before they expire
  • maintain currency of documents with an expiry date, relative to this application.

Written examination schedule

Written exams are held monthly in Brisbane, Dysart, Mackay, Moranbah and Rockhampton. They may also be held in Townsville and Mount Isa depending on availability and resourcing.

If you cannot attend these venues, you can organise to sit the exam at a courthouse, library, school or similar government office. If you choose this option, read and complete the consent, information and rules for external supervisors and candidates (PDF, 138KB).

How to apply

To apply for mutual recognition submit your application using the digital smartform. The Board of Examiners will review your application to make sure you have the required qualifications and experience.

Submit smartform application

Contact us

Send all correspondence to:

Board of Examiners Secretary
Resources Safety and Health Queensland
GPO Box 1321

Phone: (07) 3199 8037