Mineral mining competencies

Mine workers seeking employment in statutory roles need to show they have the appropriate skills and knowledge to perform their duties. This page provides information on the competencies required for mineral mining statutory positions, including how to obtain certificates of competency and site senior executive notices issued by the Queensland Board of Examiners.

Mandatory registration to the Practising Certificate Scheme

Registration to the Practising Certificate Scheme will be mandatory for competency and notice holders to continue working in their statutory positions on the 10 June 2025. Certificate of Competency and Notice holders will be required to hold a current practising certificate by this date. To learn more about the scheme, visit the Board of Examiners Practising Certificate Scheme website.

Recognised competencies for mineral mining

The required competencies for statutory mineral mining positions are determined in conjunction with the Mining Safety and Health Advisory Committee. Ensure you have completed the relevant qualifications in full before submitting an application.

For more information, view the recognised competencies for mining statutory positions in Queensland.

Board of Examiners certificates and notices

The Board of Examiners assess applicants suitability for Certificates of Competency and Site Senior Executive Notices under the Mining and Quarrying Safety and Health Act 1999.

The Board administers Site Senior Executive Notices for sites employing 11 or more individuals. For sites with 10 or fewer employees, contact the Mineral Mines and Quarries Inspectorate.

The Board of Examiners consists of a Chair who is an inspector and at least 6 other members – each member with at least a minimum of 10 years practical experience in the mining industry. At least 6 members must be currently engaged in the mining industry. The current members of the Board of Examiners are listed on the Board of Examiners.

Essential information prior to application

Paper-based applications no longer accepted

The Board of Examiners has transitioned to digital smartform applications and will no longer accept paper-based application forms.

You must complete both the application and examination process within 3 years of submitting your application. Failure to receive a certificate of competency within this time will require you to submit a new application. New applications will need to meet the educational and practical experience criteria in effect at the time. Note: Previously passed written examination will not be considered for new applications.

For submission of applications, ensure you have thoroughly reviewed, completed, and, where applicable, certified all necessary documents listed in the table below. To ensure your application is considered valid, you must submit a fully completed application form along with all required supporting documentation.

Requirements by application

Site senior executive notices Application fee
  • Certified copy of photographic proof of identity (passport or driver's licence)
  • Statement of attainment for Apply risk management processes (RIIRIS301E)
  • Statement of attainment for Implement and maintain management systems to control risk (RIIRIS501E)
  • Statement of attainment for Ensure a safe workplace for a work area (BSBWHS521)
  • Completed competency specific form(s) and evidence of relevant qualifications, including Certified work history (see below)


Requirements for surface mines or quarries employing between 11 and 20 persons

  • Statement of attainment for Certificate IV in Surface Extraction Operations (RII40120) or equivalent Mining related Certificate IV or higher

Requirements for underground mines employing more than 10 persons or surface mines or quarries employing more than 20 persons

  • Statement of attainment for Diploma of Surface Operations Management (RII50120) or equivalent Mining related Diploma or higher

Requirements for adding blasting condition to notice

You need either:

  • a current shotfirer licence
  • a Statement of attainment for Recognised Safe Drilling and Blasting course
  • units of competency (RIIBLA205E, RIIBLA301E & RIIBLA305E).
No fee  
First class mine manager certificate of competency (underground metalliferous mines) Application fee
  • Certified copy of photographic proof of identity (passport or driver's licence)
  • Completed Site Senior Executive's Endorsement form (PDF, 352KB)
  • Certified copies of qualifications and full academic record (including a listing of modules/units/courses completed) – see MMQ qualifications table (PDF, 406KB) for more information
  • Certified copy of statement of attainment for first aid (HLTAID011), completed within the last 2 years
  • Certified copy of statement of attainment for CPR competency (HLTAID009), completed within the last year
  • Resume showing, in chronological order, where you have worked and what work you performed in each position
  • A nominated session for the written exam at the Board of Examiners' scheduled venue or a suitable alternative (Note: You may change this nomination at a later date – see below for times and additional information)
  • Certified copy of Risk Management Unit


$47.65 (excl. GST)

Certification of documents

The following persons will be accepted to certify a document:

  • commissioner for declarations
  • a justice of the peace.

Find a justice of the peace or commissioner for declarations in Queensland.

Examination schedule

Written exams are held monthly in Brisbane, Dysart, Mackay, Moranbah and Rockhampton. They may also be held in Townsville and Mount Isa depending on availability and resourcing.

If you cannot attend these venues, you can organise to sit the exam at a courthouse, library, school or similar government office. If you choose this option, read and complete the consent, information and rules for external supervisors and candidates (PDF, 121KB).

Application process

Once submitted, the Chair will assess the application to determine eligibility for further assessments, which may include a law exam and an oral panel interview. Candidates must pass the law exam before being eligible for the oral panel assessment.

For those applying for a Notice, the Board reviews the application documents against the eligibility criteria to determine suitability. No additional assessments are required for this application type.

How to apply

To apply for a competency:

Submit digital Competency application

To apply for a Site Senior Executive Notice:

Submit digital Notice application

What to do after applying

Preparing for written examination

The exam is a 3-hour exam that tests your knowledge of the Mining and Quarrying Safety and Health Act 1999 (MQSH Act) and the Mining and Quarrying Safety and Health Regulation 2017 (MQSH Regulation).

Depending on the competency the questions may be presented in either short answer or multiple-choice format. They cover legislation relevant to the specific statutory position, as well as general topics related to health and safety.

The pass mark is 70% in each topic.

Exam topics

Section 1 covers the MQSH Act and the following topics:

Section 1 topics MQSH Act reference
Preliminary Parts 1 and 5
Basic concepts and safety and health obligations Parts 2 and 3
Provisions about the operation of mines Part 4
Site safety and health representatives, committees, district worker representatives, inspectors and other officers Parts 7, 8 and 9
Accidents, incidents and general safety matters Parts 5, 7, 11 and 16

Section 2 covers the MQSH Regulation and the following topics:

Section 2 topics MQSH Regulation reference
Risk management, safety and health management systems; and procedures and safe working instructions Parts 1, 2, 11, and General Regulations
Accidents, incidents, injuries and emergency management Parts 4 and 5
Facilities and process, work environment, mine plans and persons on site Parts 6, 8, 9 and 14
Hazardous substances and dangerous goods, including explosives Part 7
Electrical, fixed and mechanical plant including winders Parts 4, 10 and 13

Written and oral examination resit conditions and timelines

Written exams

Exam attempt Resit conditions
First unsuccessful attempt (results between 30% and 70%) Candidate can attempt another examination 3 months from the date of the exam result notification.
First unsuccessful attempt (results of 30% or less) Same conditions apply as for second unsuccessful attempt.
Second unsuccessful attempt Candidate must submit a written report to the Board detailing the studies they have undertaken to better prepare for their exam, this must include dates and topics studied. The Board considers the report and determines the applicable waiting period. Candidates are advised of the outcome in writing.
Third unsuccessful attempt Candidates are subject to a show cause request from the Board. Once received the Board determines if further examination is acceptable and may set conditions. The minimum period before a candidate can resit for a third time is 12 months.

Oral exams

Exam attempt Resit conditions
First unsuccessful attempt (results between 30% and 70%) Candidates cannot sit a second examination for a minimum of 6 months from receipt of the result notification letter. The candidate must supply a report detailing the actions they have taken to rectify the deficiencies identified in their oral exam and included in the letter. The report must detail topics covered, dates of activities undertaken and names of mentors/coaches. It is imperative the Site Senior Executive (and relevant Underground Mine Manager if applicable) has endorsed the report.
First unsuccessful attempt (results of 30% or less) Same conditions apply as for second unsuccessful attempt.

Second unsuccessful attempt

Candidates must submit a report detailing the actions they have taken to rectify the deficiencies identified in their oral exam and supplied in writing at the time of result notification. This report must be endorsed by their Site Senior Executive and for Underground mining positions, also by the Underground Mine Manager. The report must detail topics covered, dates of activities undertaken and names of mentors/coaches. The Board considers the report and advises if the candidate is eligible for further assessment. Candidates are subject to a 12-month waiting period from the date of notification of result letter.
Third unsuccessful attempt Candidates are subject to a show cause request from the Board. The Board determines if candidate can proceed to further examination and may set conditions. The candidate must wait a minimum of 12 months before reapplying.

Contact us

Send all correspondence to:

Board of Examiners Secretary
Resources Safety and Health Queensland
GPO Box 1321

Phone: (07) 3199 8037
Email: BOESecretary@rshq.qld.gov.au