Doctor registration

There are 2 different types of approval for doctors, with different eligibility criteria. This page explains the criteria for becoming an approved provider. Please read the information below before you apply using the online form.

Types of approval

Doctors can apply to be approved as:

  • Examining doctor (examining medical officer or EMO)
    • Doctors who carry out medical examinations for coal mine worker health assessments
    • Completes section 3 only of the health assessment form
  • Supervising doctor
    • Can report on the health assessment report (i.e. section 4) where they are also the appointed medical adviser (AMA), previously known as a nominated medical adviser
    • Can also carry out the medical examination
    • Can supervise EMOs in the health assessment process

Apply to register

Approval criteria

EMO approval criteria

Doctors must be appropriately qualified and fit and proper to carry out the scheme function.

  • AHPRA registration

    You must hold a general or specialist registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Applicants with other registrations, such as limited registration, are not considered appropriately qualified.

    Participation in training program

    In order to be approved you will need to show evidence of enrolment in RSHQ's Statutory Medicals for Mine and Quarry Workers training program and evidence of completion of all modules.

  • Any conditions attached to your AHPRA registration or undertakings given by you in relation to your practice of the profession must not affect your ability to undertake medical examinations for coal mine workers.

    In deciding whether an applicant (i.e. a person for the purposes of a supervising doctor, examining doctor or B-reader application; or a practice/organisation for the purposes of a spirometry practice, x-ray imaging practice or spirometry training provider application) is fit and proper to carry out a scheme function, the Chief Executive Officer (or delegate) may have regard to the following:

    • whether the person has any conditions, undertakings or reprimands on their registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)
    • whether the person is subject to any current disciplinary or other legal proceedings relating to their role
    • whether the person, the practice/organisation or any relevant employees (being radiographers or persons provider spirometry or spirometry training) have been convicted of an offence against the Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999 (Qld) or the Coal Mining Safety and Health Regulation 2017 (Qld)
    • any other issue relevant to whether the person or practice/organisation will likely carry out, or be perceived to carry out, examinations or assessments to the standards expected of their profession.

    An applicant must disclose all relevant information in the application or renewal form.

Supervising doctor approval criteria

Doctors must be appropriately qualified and fit and proper to carry out the scheme function.

  • Before applying for approval with RSHQ, you must ensure you meet the following minimum eligibility requirements..

    AHPRA registration

    You must hold a general or specialist registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Applicants with other registrations, such as limited registration, are not considered appropriately qualified.

    Post-graduate qualification

    You must also have a post-graduate qualification in occupational medicine or occupational health, or an international equivalent, as per the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).

    If you do not have a post-graduate qualification in occupational medicine or occupational health, you must meet the following requirements.

    1. Have at least 1 of the following qualifications:
      1. Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP)
      2. Fellowship of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (FACRRM)
      3. Specialist – General Practice registration with the Medical Board of Australia
    2. Have demonstrated experience of at least 1 of the following:
      1. Conducted at least 24 assessments and/or specific advice for the purposes of health surveillance (in any industry) each year over the last 5 years
      2. Conducted at least 24 assessments and/or specific advice regarding fitness to work (in any industry) each year over the last 5 years
      3. Have been employed/contracted to provide occupational health advice to a company/companies for at least 12 months in the last 5 years.
        Note: Occupational health advice could include health and well-being, vaccinations, providing strategies and education regarding occupational/mining hazards such as coal and silica dust exposure as well as advice relating to changes to coal dust screening and mandatory health assessments (formerly known as the Coal Board Medical). Conducting assessments alone is not sufficient to achieve accreditation.

    Coal mining and/or mineral mine and quarry industry experience

    You must have experience in 1 of the following:

    1. Conducted at least 24 medicals for coal mine and/or mineral mine and quarry workers (face-to-face assessments, such as the coal mine workers' health scheme, or employer-specific pre-employment medicals) each year over the last 3 years
    2. Over-sighted at least 24 medical assessments each year for coal mine and/or mineral mine and quarry workers conducted by other health professionals each year over the last 3 years
    3. Provided at least 24 injury/illness management services each year to coal mine and/or mineral mine and quarry workers (for example for workers compensation purposes) each year over the last 3 years.

    Coal mine site visit

    You will need to show evidence you have visited an operating coal mine within the last 3 years.

    Read our Mine site visit guide for doctors performing statutory medicals (PDF, 263KB) to help you comply with this requirement.

    Participation in a training program

    In order to be approved, you will need to show evidence of enrolment in RSHQ's Statutory Medicals for Mine and Quarry Workers training program and evidence of completion of all modules.

  • Any conditions attached to your AHPRA registration or undertakings given by you in relation to your practice of the profession must not affect your ability to undertake health assessments.

    In deciding whether an applicant (i.e. a person for the purposes of a supervising doctor, examining doctor or B-reader application; or a practice/organisation for the purposes of a spirometry practice, x-ray imaging practice or spirometry training provider application) is fit and proper to carry out a scheme function, the Chief Executive Officer (or delegate) may have regard to the following:

    • whether the person has any conditions, undertakings or reprimands on their registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)
    • whether the person is subject to any current disciplinary or other legal proceedings relating to their role
    • whether the person, the practice/organisation or any relevant employees (being radiographers or persons provider spirometry or spirometry training) have been convicted of an offence against the Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999 (Qld) or the Coal Mining Safety and Health Regulation 2017 (Qld)
    • any other issue relevant to whether the person or practice/organisation will likely carry out, or be perceived to carry out, examinations or assessments to the standards expected of their profession.

    An applicant must disclose all relevant information in the application or renewal form.

Duration of approval and renewal

Approvals will be provided for a term of up to 3 years. An approved provider may apply for a renewal of the provider's approval at least 3 months before the term of the approval ends.

Conditions of approval

Approved doctors and medical service providers are required to comply with the conditions of approval to remain as approved providers. These conditions detail a number of matters including:

  • your obligations as an approved provider
  • the roles and responsibilities required under the Coal Mine Workers' Health Scheme
  • confidentiality and record-keeping obligations
  • a mechanism for audit.

If we amend an approval to impose a condition or vary a condition of the approval you will be advised before the amendment takes effect.

Lodging your application

To lodge your application you must:

  • complete the online application form
  • attach supporting documentation, as indicated
  • make the declaration before submitting the application.

You will receive an email confirming your application has been successfully lodged.

How your application is assessed

We will review your application to ensure it has been completed correctly and that all necessary documentation has been provided.

If your application is approved, we will notify you and your contact details will be published on the register.

If your application does not indicate that you meet the requirements for approval, or further information is required, you will be notified and given the opportunity to provide further information in support of your application before a decision is made.

We will decide your application within 3 months after the application is made or a longer period by agreement.

Review of decisions

If your application isn't approved, you can apply for an internal review within 28 days of being notified of the decision.

A further review by the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal is provided under the legislation. Further details will be provided if your application is unsuccessful.

Further information

For help with your application, phone (07) 3199 7967 or email

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