Sexual harassment information for the resources industry

Sexual harassment in any form is unacceptable and must not be tolerated anywhere, including in our workplaces. As part of Resources Safety & Health Queensland's (RSHQ) responsibilities to worker safety and health, we work with industry to ensure the risks of psychosocial hazards, including sexual harassment, are effectively managed.

What is sexual harassment

Sexual harassment is a psychosocial hazard that includes any unwelcome sexual advance, unwelcome request for sexual favours or other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature in circumstances where a reasonable person, having regard to all the circumstances, would anticipate the possibility that the person harassed would be offended, humiliated or intimidated.

Behaviours that may indicate sexual harassment are not always obvious, repeated or continuous and may include:

  • unwelcome touching or physical contact, including hugging, cornering and kissing
  • suggestive comments or jokes, insults or taunts
  • unwanted invitations to go on dates or requests for sex in person and/or online
  • sending or displaying sexually offensive pictures or posters
  • sending sexually explicit emails, text messages or online interactions such as social media posts.

Sexual harassment can occur in any work location or accommodation, at work-related events, or by phone, email or online.

Making a report to RSHQ

If you are in immediate danger or your health and wellbeing is being threatened, contact the police on Triple Zero (call 000).

Affected persons

If you have been affected by or witnessed sexual harassment at a Queensland mine, quarry, or petroleum or gas operation, you can make a report to RSHQ's psychosocial team.

RSHQ recognises it can be distressing sharing details of a traumatic event. Our trained officers aim to create a trauma-sensitive environment where individuals can share their experience in a safe, informed, and flexible way—including the option to make anonymous reports. We also aim to inform and/or connect individuals with accessible and relevant support services.

Industry notifications to RSHQ

Queensland resources obligation holders are required to notify RSHQ of incidents arising from psychosocial hazards, including sexual harassment, in accordance with statutory reporting requirements.

Advice and support for workers

For workers affected by workplace sexual harassment, the Queensland Regulator Map (PDF, 313KB) provides further information on:

Managing the risks of workplace sexual harassment

Queensland's resources safety and health legislation requires obligation holders to manage the risk of workers suffering an injury or illness, including physical and psychological health harms from sexual harassment.

The Guide for managing the risks of workplace sexual harassment in the Queensland resources industry (PDF, 8.1MB) provides practical guidance to support obligation holders to effectively manage the risks of sexual harassment utilising a risk management approach.

This guide discusses topics that may be distressing. Help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If you need support, refer to the Queensland Regulator Map (PDF, 313KB) for a range of support services and Government agencies that can provide assistance.

Additional guidance material and information can also be found below:

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