Guideline for the supply of unodourised gas

Prescribed concentrations of odourant are added to fuel gas (providing a distinctive and unpleasant odour) so that the presence of gas is readily detectable by the public and consumers. The Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 requires suppliers of fuel gas to either:

  • add the prescribed odour
  • or
  • only supply gas to an industrial installation that includes gas detectors and shut-down systems which has been assessed as safe by an appropriately qualified person through a risk analysis.


Section 628 of the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 states:

628 Odour requirement

(1) A person must not supply fuel gas to a consumer unless —

  • (a) the gas has the prescribed odour; or
  • (b) the supply is to an industrial installation with appropriate gas detectors and shut-down systems and a risk analysis has been carried out by an appropriately qualified person showing the supply is safe.

(2) The fact that a person is supplying a consumer with fuel gas under subsection (1)(b) does not limit an inspector's power to give the person a dangerous situation direction that requires the gas to have the prescribed odour.

(3) In this section, appropriately qualified person means a person who:

  • (a) is independent of the person supplying the fuel gas; and
  • (b) the chief inspector considers
    • (i) is appropriately qualified; and
    • (ii) has access to information to carry out the risk analysis.

Section 628 specifically applies to persons supplying unodourised gas to another person such as in the case of a person supplying a power station with fuel gas that is owned by a person (entity) that is not the person supplying the fuel gas.

In situations where an operating plant uses gas as part of the production, processing, and transportation life cycle of fuel gas, the risks associated with unodourised gas must still be assessed and controlled.

This should be addressed in the formal safety assessment (FSA) as part of the safety management system for the plant.

Appropriately qualified person

An appropriately qualified person is a person who is independent of the fuel gas supplier and has been assessed by the Chief Inspector, Petroleum and Gas to be appropriately qualified. In addition, the person undertaking the analysis must have access to the information to show the supply of fuel gas is safe.

The following table displays a current list of appropriately qualified persons.

Appropriately qualified personCompanyEmailPhone
Steve Graham Air and Gas Industries 0413 702 792
Wayne Braden Gas Advisory Services 0407 009 148
Angela Carr Gasops 0404 501 325
Glen Watt Glenergy Services 0425 716 538
Alistair Oates Kerbec Consulting 0468 765 887
Kayne Herriman Hazardous Area Specialists 0403 568 740
Justin Giles Australian Gas and Combustion Consultants 0439 684 367
Grazia Gargiulo Terra Sana Consultants 0412 366 934
Aidan Marsh JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd 0404 107 426
Michael PapantoniouPap 193 101

Applying to be an appropriately qualified person

To apply to be an appropriately qualified person, you must submit an application to the Chief Inspector detailing your formal qualifications in risk assessment and relevant industry experience. You must be able to demonstrate relevant industry experience which includes, but may not be limited to:

  • fuel gas characteristics
  • gas detection equipment selection and installation
  • shut down system selection and installation
  • hazardous area determination
  • ventilation principals
  • process safety.

For further information, contact the Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate on (07) 3199 8027 or