Forms and fees for water authorisations

Most of our fees and charges increase on 1 July each year, however, several regulatory fees for specific areas will take effect from 1 October or 1 May.

There was no increase to fees and charges on 1 July 2024. This is because of the Government’s decision to change the government indexation rate to 0% this year. Find out more about water management fees in Queensland.

To avoid processing delays, read the forms carefully and include all the required information.

Find out how to lodge your application.

Application forms

Agricultural dewatering

Form Form nameFee
W2F122 Notification of agricultural dewatering (PDF, 640KB) No fee

Associated water licences

Form Form nameFee
W2F154 Application for associated water licences (PDF, 765KB){{ waterfee_5981 }}


Application to amend an associated water licence (PDF, 251KB)

{{ waterfee_36772 }}


Application for transfer of an associated water licence (PDF, 234KB)

{{ waterfee_36772 }}

Client contact details

Form Form nameFee
WAN23 Notification of contact details (PDF, 193KB) No fee

Distribution operations licences

Contact your local business centre to discuss information and submission requirements before submitting an application related to a resource operations licence or distribution operations licence.

Form Form nameFee
W2F116 Nominate a distribution operations licence holder (PDF, 662KB) No fee
W2F079 Notice to chief executive satisfaction of obligation to distribution operations licence holder (PDF, 571KB)

No fee

W2F133 Application for a resource operations licence or distribution operations licence (PDF, 238KB) No fee
W2F135 Application to amend a resource operations licence or a distribution operations licence (PDF, 154KB) No fee

Forward draw

Form Form nameFee
W2F089 Forward draw notification (PDF, 604KB) No fee

Internal review

Form Form nameFee
W2F025 Application for review of an original decision (PDF, 290KB) No fee

Public enquiries

Contact your local business centre before lodging your application.

Form Form nameFee
W2F108 Request for water entitlement data attached to land (PDF, 602KB)
  • No additional computer programming required: {{ waterfee_5566 }} for each hour or part hour (no copies provided)
  • Additional computer programming required: {{ waterfee_7567 }} for each hour or part hour (no copies provided)
  • Purchase a copy of a document available for inspection:
    • if the copy is generated at an office of the department: {{ waterfee_7561 }}
    • if the copy is generated electronically: {{ waterfee_7562 }}

Quarry material allocation applications

You must obtain a development permit and other required authorisations before beginning operations. Refer to our quarries and extractive resources guide for further information or contact your local business centre.

Form Form nameFee
W2F009 Application for quarry material allocation (PDF, 657KB){{ waterfee_5987 }}
for each 6 month period, or part of a 6 month period, the allocation notice has effect
W2F010 Application for renewal of quarry material allocation (PDF, 601KB){{ waterfee_5988 }}
for each 6 month period, or part of a 6 month period, the allocation notice has effect
W2F011 Application for transfer of quarry material allocation (PDF, 617KB) No fee

Quarry material allocation returns

Contact your local business centre before lodging your returns.

Form Form nameFee

Online monthly return form

Monthly return for quarry material removed + Certificate of exemption (PDF, 913KB)

  • For use by local government or a statutory body*: {{ waterfee_2356 }}
  • For sale or for own use: {{ waterfee_2358 }}
  • For use by Queensland Government* or if the material removed is not state quarry material: no fee
W2F070 Certificate of royalty exemption for removal of State quarry material (PDF, 157KB) No fee

*To be eligible for these concessional rates you must provide a certificate of royalty exemption. Read about reporting and payment of royalties for riverine quarry materials.

Resource operations licences

Contact your local business centre to discuss information and submission requirements before submitting an application related to a resource operations licence or distribution operations licence.

Form Form nameFee
W2F036 Application to amalgamate resource operations licences (PDF, 607KB) No fee
W2F105 Application to transfer a resource operations licence or distribution operations licence (PDF, 619KB) No fee
W2F133 Application for a resource operations licence or distribution operations licence (PDF, 238KB) No fee
W2F135 Application to amend a resource operations licence or a distribution operations licence (PDF, 154KB) No fee

Water bore driller's licences

Form Form nameFee
W2F021 Application for a water bore driller's licence or upgrade an existing licence (PDF, 1MB)
  • Application for a water bore driller's licence {{ waterfee_7555 }}
  • Class 1 onsite evaluation fee {{ waterfee_7556 }}
  • Class 2 onsite evaluation fee {{ waterfee_7557 }}
  • Class 3 onsite evaluation fee {{ waterfee_7558 }}
  • Upgrade existing licence {{ waterfee_5990 }}
  • Reinstate licence {{ waterfee_7559 }}
W2F022 Application for renewal of an existing driller's licence (PDF, 177KB){{ waterfee_5991 }}
W2F043 Application for amendment of an existing driller's licence (PDF, 162KB){{ waterfee_5990 }}
W2F136 Water bore drilling log (PDF, 1.1MB)* No fee
W2F166 Driller's report of cementing a bore tapping artesian sediments (PDF, 2.1MB)* No fee

*Before submitting a water bore drilling log or drillers report of cementing a bore, read the guideline for completing and submitting the forms (PDF, 120KB).