Burnett Basin water plan area

This information will help you understand how water is managed in the water plan area and how you can access water.

Map of the water plan area

Check whether your property is covered by the plan on the Queensland Globe water plan map (use Google Chrome for best results) or download the Burnett Basin water plan area map (PDF, 1.8MB).

What's happening?

  • 13 January 2025: We’ve just completed a new Minister’s performance assessment report (PDF, 5.6MB) for this water plan. This 5-yearly check up shows that the current plan can continue managing the Basin’s water resources sustainably until our replacement plan is complete.
  • 19 April 2024: The expiry date for the Burnett Basin water plan has been extended for three years and will now be in place until 19 April 2027. This extension will give us enough time to consider feedback received through public consultation and complete technical assessments as we review and replace the water plan with a new one. View our impact analysis statement about this decision.
  • 18 April 2024: We are reviewing and replacing the Burnett Basin water plan. Our first round of public consultation closed 28 June 2024 and we are currently considering submissions received.
  • 30 November 2024: Due date for meter revalidations for the Coastal Burnett groundwater management area for the following groundwater sub areas: Kolan – Burnett B, Burnett – Elliot B, Elliot – Gregory B, Fairymead B and the Boyne and Stuart Rivers water management area.
  • 30 November 2023: Due date for meter revalidations for the Coastal Burnett Groundwater water management area – Kolan - Burnett A; Burnett - Elliot A; Elliot - Gregory A; Fairymead A.

Water management


Type of waterManagement
Surface water Check the water plan information below for rules and requirements
Overland flow Check the water plan information below for rules and requirements
Underground water Check the water plan information below for rules and requirements. Check the Great Artesian Basin and Other Regional Aquifers water plan for underground water and spring water in the Great Artesian Basin and other important regional aquifers.

Water plan information

Water supply scheme operators and manuals

The licences contain information about the roles and responsibilities of the licence holders. Check the operations manuals for day-to-day operational, water sharing and seasonal water assignment rules.

Barker Barambah Water Supply Scheme Sunwater Resource operations licence (PDF, 262KB)Operations manual (PDF, 205KB)
Boyne River and Tarong Water Supply Scheme Sunwater Resource operations licence (PDF, 138KB)Operations manual (PDF, 238KB)
Bundaberg Water Supply Scheme Sunwater Resource operations licence (PDF, 171KB)Operations manual (PDF, 464KB)
Three Moon Creek Water Supply Scheme Sunwater Interim resource operations licence Not yet available
Upper Burnett Water Supply Scheme Sunwater Resource operations licence (PDF, 137KB)Operations manual (PDF, 366KB)

Water sharing rules

Accessing water

Follow the links below for more information on how to access water in the water plan area.

Announced entitlements and limits The water you can take through your water entitlement may be limited. Check announced entitlements and limits for unsupplemented water or contact the water supply scheme operator for supplemented water.
Unallocated water releases No current releases
Water allocation trading - water supply schemes

For additional information on trading in the following water supply schemes see:

Water allocation trading - unsupplemented water

For additional information on trading in the water management areas see:

Seasonal water assignment

Seasonal trading options – Coastal Burnett

Use this tool to check what seasonal trades are possible between zones in the Coastal Burnett location. Note: This calculator is being trialled for the Coastal Burnett region only.


Contact us

Contact the Bundaberg business centre for more information on water management and how you can access water in the Burnett Basin.

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