Mary Basin water plan area

This information will help you understand how water is managed in the water plan area and how you can access water.

Map of the water plan area

Check whether your property is covered by the plan on the Queensland Globe water plan map (use Google Chrome for best results) or download the Mary Basin water plan area map (PDF, 1.9MB).

What's happening?

Water management


Type of waterManagement
Surface water Check the water plan information below for rules and requirements
Overland flow Not managed
Underground water Check the water plan information below for rules and requirements for the Cooloola Sandmass underground water management area

Water plan information

Water supply scheme operators

The following schemes operate in the water plan area.

Baroon Pocket Water Supply Scheme Seqwater Resource operations licence (PDF, 4.1MB) Operations manual (PDF, 153KB)
Cedar Pocket Water Supply Scheme Seqwater Resource operations licence (PDF, 3.5MB) Operations manual (PDF, 266KB)
Lower Mary River Water Supply Scheme Sunwater Resource operations licence (PDF, 228KB) Operations manual (PDF, 228KB)
Mary Valley Water Supply Scheme Seqwater Resource operations licence (PDF, 4.2MB) Operations manual (PDF, 299KB)
Teddington Weir Water Supply Scheme Fraser Coast Regional Council Resource operations licence (PDF, 4MB) Operations manual (PDF, 139KB)
Wide Bay Water Supply Scheme Fraser Coast Regional CouncilResource operations licence (PDF, 512KB)Operations manual (PDF,158KB)

Accessing water

Follow the links below for more information on how to access water in the water plan area.

Announced entitlements and limits The water you can take through your water entitlement may be limited. Check water management protocol (see above) or contact the water supply scheme operator for supplemented water.
Unallocated water releases No current releases. Find out about current releases of unallocated water.
Water allocation trading – water supply schemes
Seasonal water assignment

Check the water management protocol (PDF, 1.1MB) for rules for seasonal assignment of unsupplemented water licences and read about the application process

Water metering

Depending on the type of water authorisation or works you have, you may be required to install an approved water meter to measure your water use.

Contact us

Contact the Gympie business centre for more information on water management and how you can access water in the Mary Basin.

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