Certify your water meter or device
Learn the steps you need to take to certify your water meter or measurement device.
What is certification
Certification is a regulatory process that ensures your device meets certain standards. This involves having your meter or measurement device inspected and certified by a duly qualified person (DQP).
Prior to 2024, this certification process was referred to as meter validation.
Accurate water measurement allows us to sustainably manage water resources and plan for the future.
If you do not certify your device by the due date, and you continue to take water, it is an offence under the Water Act 2000.
Your responsibilities
A measurement device must be certified at installation. All devices, other than a telemetry device, must also be certified every 5 years from the date of the device's last certification.
Step 1: Arrange an inspection
It is your responsibility to arrange the inspection of your measurement device.
For a meter, a DQP is also known as a certified meter installer and validator. They can also install your device for you.
Make sure you engage a DQP who can certify your type of device.
Find a DQP by searching Irrigation Australia's meter installer and validator register.
If your device meets the standard, your DQP will issue you with a copy of the completed inspection form, which becomes the compliance certificate.
If your device does not meet the standard, your DQP will issue you a notice stating:
- why the device did not meet the standard
- any repair, replacement or modifications needed to meet the standard.
Step 2: Submit an information form
After your device is certified and you have received a copy of the compliance certificate, you must complete an Information about water taken under an authorisation form (PDF, 276KB).
This provides us with details about your:
- water authorisations
- infrastructure and works, such as pumps
- measurement devices, such as a water meters.
You must submit this form within 20 business days of the DQP certifying your meter.
Step 3: Keep records
You are required to keep a copy of any documents provided to you as part of the certification process. You must also keep maintenance records for each measurement device.
We can request a copy of these records at any time.
After certification
Repair or replacement of your measurement device
If you need to replace or repair your device, you are required to engage a DQP to certify your device meets the standard.
When a device is repaired or replaced, you have another 5 years before the next certification is due.
Information for duly qualified persons
If you are a DQP use the standards, forms and lodgement information for your inspections.
Also consider...
- Submit a meter reading.
- Report a faulty device.
- Learn about the water metering program.
- Find information for duly qualified persons, including inspecting devices, standards, forms and lodgement information
- Contact your local business centre with enquiries.