Submit a water meter reading

Report your non-urban water use. Submit a meter reading online, via email or call us for assistance.

Before you submit

Reporting your water usage helps us sustainably manage water resources in Queensland.

Here are some tips before submitting your meter reading:

  • Check the due date for your meter reading.
  • Record all digits displayed on the meter.
  • For multiple meters, submit a separate reading per meter.

If you notice your meter is faulty, report it.

What you need

We will send you a reminder with the details you need to submit your meter reading. It is your responsibility to keep your contact details up to date.

Need help? Get tips to read your water meter.

Submit a reading online

The way you report water use online has changed.

You now use WaterIQ to submit your meter reading online.

Find more information on how to register for WaterIQ.

Open WaterIQ

Other ways to submit a reading

If you're unable to submit your meter reading online, you can email a form to us.

To do this:

  1. download and complete the meter reading form (PDF, 162KB)
  2. email your form to

For assistance

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