Water measurement device inspection – for duly qualified persons

Learn how to submit inspection forms and certificates. Download forms and standards.

Inspections are arranged by entitlement holders as part of their measurement obligations.

Inspections are completed by a Duly Qualified Person (DQP) at:

  • initial certification when a measurement device is first installed
  • recertification which is every five years from the initial certification date
  • or
  • once a faulty device is repaired or replaced.

Certification confirms that a device meets the Queensland non-urban water measurement standards.

Your responsibilities

As a DQP, you are responsible for:

  • completing an inspection form to record details of the inspection
  • certifying that the measurement device meets the relevant standard
  • submitting the inspection form/certificate and supporting documentation to the department
  • providing a copy of the certificate to the device owner
  • notifying the department and the device owner if the device does not meet the standard.

Remember, as a DQP you cannot certify your own meter or measurement device.

After inspection

An inspection is successful when a device meets the standards.

In these cases, you’ll issue the device owner with a copy of the certificate to confirm the device is compliant.

Within 10 business days, you must send the certificate to us.

This should be submitted alongside any photos and supporting documentation.

Failed inspections

When an inspection is unsuccessful, you need to provide the department and device owner with a written notice that outlines:

  • why the device failed
  • advice to replace or repair
  • any relevant modifications needed for the device to meet the standard.

Submit an inspection form

You can submit a water meter inspection form:

What you need

To successfully submit, you need:

  1. relevant inspection form with details of the inspection
  2. supporting information, including photos.

Submit securely with WaterIQ

From 2 December 2024, water meter inspection forms and supporting documentation can be submitted online via WaterIQ.

WaterIQ provides an easier, faster submission process for water meter inspection forms.

It automatically submits compliance certificates to the department.

You will need to generate a copy for the client.

Go to WaterIQ

Submit via email

Email other forms to the metering team in your region.

Non-urban water measurement standards and forms