Who needs a water measurement device

Find out which water users need a meter or other device. Know your obligations.

Why we measure water use

The Department of Local Government, Water and Volunteers is responsible for making sure that Queensland’s water resources are being used fairly and sustainably.

Collecting accurate information about water use helps us improve how we plan and allocate water across the state.

Your location and the type of authorisation you have determines your measurement obligations.

Changes to water measurement

From 2 December 2024, certain water users are required to provide new information to the department.

This includes details about your authorisations and the associated:

  • infrastructure and works
  • measurement devices such as a water meter

These changes apply to holders of a relevant authorisation when installing and certifying a new device.

We will send you this form with your reminder letter for installation and certification.

Who needs to measure water use

You hold a relevant authorisation

The Water Regulation and water plan area for your location will determine if you hold a relevant authorisation.

This means you have certain obligations that you must meet for responsible water use.

Your obligations

These include:

  1. installation of a meter or measurement device
  2. getting your device certified
  3. reporting your water use by submitting meter readings
  4. notifying us if a device is faulty.

Supply scheme customers

Water supply scheme operators are required to measure water taken by their customers.

Your supply contract will have information on device ownership, and how to access and operate your meter.

When you don't need a device

There are cases where you don’t need a measurement device even if you have a relevant authorisation.

These scenarios include when you:

  • don't extract any water against the water authorisation
  • don't have a water authorisation but only extract water for stock or domestic use
  • meet a threshold or exemption stated for your area in Schedule 11 in the regulation.

Find your measurement obligations

If you aren't sure of the measurement obligations for your authorisation, follow these steps to find this in Schedule 11:

  1. Open Schedule 11 of the Water Regulation.
  2. Find your water plan area.
  3. Use the table to navigate to your information.

Installing a device

Read your obligations when installing and certifying a measurement device.