Maintaining state community housing provider registration

The Queensland State Regulatory System for Community Housing (QSRSCH) registration system ensures local government community housing providers meet national service standards by maintaining their registration to continue their funding arrangements with us.

Read this key information to help you maintain your registration.

Note: Pre-1996 agreements that are still in force:

  • are not affected by the changes to the Housing Act 2003 that introduced the QSRSCH system
  • don't trigger the requirement to obtain registration.

Paying registration and compliance costs

We do not contribute to the costs of registration, compliance or exit (as the funder and Regulatory Services).

Read the Allowable expenditure and surplus policy (PDF, 301KB) for allowable uses for program funds.

Nominating alternative providers

The asset disposal provisions of the Housing Regulation 2015 allow councils to transfer community housing assets to an alternative non-government provider. However, we do need to approve this transfer. If you have any queries about this, contact Housing and Homelessness Services directly via your contract manager.

Getting a funded stock summary

To get a summary of stock funded for a specific council, contact Housing and Homelessness Services directly via your contract manager.

Getting contingent liability figures

We can provide councils with contingent liability figures on request. To do this, we need current valuations (within the previous 6 months) of council assets.

These valuations must show land and improvements separately.

Evaluating land value

As an independent valuation of land is required, the valuer will evaluate land value based on available sales evidence.

They don't rely on State Valuation Service valuations for rating and taxation purposes.

Getting compensation for stock on freehold land

As the transfer of property on freehold land is legally complex, you should contact us to discuss the issue of compensation for stock on freehold land.

Seek independent legal advice if you have any concerns.

Considering the housing provider role

We can speak with councils about the demand profile for social housing in their local government areas.

They can then decide whether housing is important business for them, and discuss what service delivery could look like in their areas if they are the only provider in the area and considering exiting the social housing system.

Note: Registration does not guarantee future funding.

Ending your funding relationship

All local government and local Indigenous council providers that want to end their funding relationship with us should already be negotiating with their Housing and Homelessness Services contract manager.

If you are registered but no longer want to deliver services in Queensland's funded housing and homelessness assistance system, speak with your contract manager about your options.

Contact us

For any questions about your application, contact your Regulatory Services analyst or email

For information about your funding options, phone your Housing and Homelessness Services contract manager.