Support for approved kindergarten program providers

There are a number of services available to support you in delivering an approved kindergarten program in Queensland.

Financial assistance

Queensland Kindergarten Funding can help you cover the cost of implementing and delivering an approved kindergarten program. Read more about qualifying and applying for Queensland Kindergarten Funding.

You may also qualify for scholarships or grants from Queensland Government.

Guidelines and advice

The Queensland kindergarten learning guideline (QKLG), which has been updated for 2025, supports kindergarten teachers' and educators' professional practice in a range of contexts across Queensland.

The Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority has developed professional resources for planning, documenting and assessing children's learning and development, sharing information with parents/carers and, with consent, schools, to help you implement the QKLG.

You can also visit the professional development and support and childcare contacts pages for helpful websites, email addresses and hotlines.

Promotional materials

Approved kindergarten program providers who deliver a free kindergarten program for 15 hours per week, 40 weeks per year, can use branded promotional materials to market their service and encourage enrolments.

The 'kindy tick'

The Free Kindergarten Approved Program provider can display the kindy tick.

Approved kindergarten logo

The 'kindy tick':

  • acknowledges your status as an approved provider
  • helps families recognise approved kindergarten programs
  • helps you promote your kindergarten program and encourage enrolments.

You'll receive a pack with electronic versions of the kindy tick and a style guide now you are an approved provider of free kindy.

There will be a transition period when both the existing identifier and the new identifier will be in use, and you should refer to the style guide in the pack.

The pack includes the decal 'FREE', so you can modify your existing signage.

Approved kindergarten logo

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