Qualifying and applying for Queensland Kindergarten Funding
You can apply for Queensland Kindergarten Funding if you run a:
- sessional kindergarten service
- kindergarten service operated by a non-state school
- limited hours care service
- long day care service.
There are different application processes for:
- kindergarten services (including limited hours care services)
- long day care services.
Kindergarten services (including limited hours care services)
To access Queensland Kindergarten Funding, your service must:
- be an approved kindergarten program provider
- not be eligible for Child Care Subsidy payments on behalf of eligible families for the duration of the kindergarten program
- hold a current service approval under the Education and Care Services National Law (Queensland) Act 2011 or Education and Care Services Act 2013 (Qld)
- hold appropriate public liability insurance of at least $10 million
- offer an approved kindergarten program delivered by an eligible early childhood teacher with approved qualifications
- have a kindergarten program fee that is below the Department of Education's funding threshold to opt into free kindy
- be a member of a central governing body.
Apply for funding
Find out more information including how to register and apply via the QGrants system.
Long day care services
To access Queensland Kindergarten Funding, long day care services must:
- be an approved kindergarten program provider
- be approved to receive Child Care Subsidy payments on behalf of eligible families
- hold a current service approval under the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2011 (Qld)
- hold appropriate public liability insurance of at least $10 million
- offer an approved kindergarten program delivered by an eligible early childhood teacher with approved qualifications
- have a kindergarten program fee that is not more than the daily fee charged for 3 to 5 year old children not accessing an approved kindergarten program
- have a kindergarten program fee that is below the Department of Education's funding threshold to opt into free kindy
- enter into an agreement with the Department of Education.
Apply for funding
Find out more information including how to register and apply via the QGrants system.
Also consider...
- Support your operational planning and implementation with Funding Essentials for long day care service providers or Funding Essentials for sessional kindergartens.
- Find contact details that can help you access information about child care in Queensland, including helpful websites, email addresses and hotlines.
- Learn more about approved kindergarten programs in Queensland.
- Read about the legal requirements for child care providers in Queensland.
- Find out more about scholarships and grants for the child care and education industry.