Community services in Queensland
If you operate or intend to operate a for-profit or not-for-profit business in Queensland's community services industry, these resources provide some key information.
- Setting up a charity or non-government organisation
- Funding and grants
- Interpreter and translator services
- Human Services Quality Framework
Opportunities in community services
Your business could deliver services across a range of areas, including:
- support for Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples
- support for individuals including young people, seniors, women, carers, people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ+) communities
- child and family support, including foster and out-of-home care
- disability support - National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
- aged and community care
- accommodation, respite, social housing and homeless support
- domestic and family violence
- sexual abuse and assault
- alcohol and other drugs
- employment support
- financial counselling
- youth justice
- community mental health
- community legal assistance
- community education and development
- neighbourhood/community centres
- community recovery.
Also consider...
- Learn about the Queensland Council of Social Service, the statewide peak body for individuals and organisations working in the community services industry.
- Read about the different types of services available to Queenslanders, including community services, on the Queensland Government website.
- Learn about community services provided by the Australian Government's Services Australia.