Reframing recruitment – video transcript

Watch Geoffrey Smith talk about the benefits of diverse recruitment during Reimagining Workforce 2023.

[Geoffrey Smith, CEO of Australian Spatial Analytics]

I was looking forward most to the sideline conversations with people in government and businesses who really are trying to understand and piece the puzzle on how they can diversify their recruitment pipeline and retain that talent.

I feel like it's a bit of a coming out party for diversity and inclusion in employment in Queensland.

We hear about full employment all the time now, which is wonderful, so how do we address these skilled work shortages?

The best way is to diversify our pipeline and look for those underrepresented cohorts that are sitting at home and really, really want that first job or want to contribute in other ways.

My passion is neurodiverse people namely those that are on the autism spectrum and that reason is because that can be really valuable to our economy right now; that can be faster and more precise at anything they do if given the chance, but sometimes learning in mainstream education environments have held them back to finding that first job and the recruitment process is a little bit arduous for people with social and communicative deficits.

So, let's reframe the conversation to how we recruit talent and get them in and back them and they will be wonderful employees and diversity begets diversity, so if you bring a neurodiverse person into the workplace, they'll be represented with other diverse communities themselves and you never know, you might actually fill those workforce challenges with people you've overlooked in the past.

Watch Geoffrey Smith talk about the benefits of diverse recruitment. during Reimagining Workforce 2023.