Employing apprentices and trainees

Employing an apprentice or trainee may be beneficial for your business and the broader industry. Find out about employing apprentices and trainees.

How apprenticeships and traineeships work

Know the costs, benefits, obligations and process of employing an apprentice or trainee.

Set up the apprenticeship or traineeship

Find out what's involved in setting up an apprenticeship or traineeship, from hiring your apprentice or trainee to signing the training contract.

Manage your apprentice or trainee

Find advice and support for managing your apprentice or trainee (and training contract) once they've commenced, including resolving issues with stakeholders.

Steps to employ an apprentice or trainee

Read our 5 step process for taking on an apprentice or trainee, including understanding the commitment, recruitment, commencement, management and completion.

Employer obligations

Your obligations include workplace supervision, training and assessment, provision of a safe working environment, wages and leave entitlements.

Complete the apprenticeship or traineeship

Find out how to complete the apprenticeship or traineeship, and your options and obligations for employing your apprentice or trainee after they are qualified.

Steps to employ an apprentice or trainee

Follow our 5-step process for employing an apprentice or trainee for your business.

  1. Understand the commitment – review your obligations and if employing an apprentice or trainee is right for you.
  2. Recruit – find the right person for your business.
  3. Commence – choose training partners, sign training contract, conduct induction and start probationary period.
  4. Manage – meet your training, supervision and reporting obligations throughout the apprenticeship or traineeship.
  5. Complete – learn what's next for your apprentice or trainee.