Apprentice Connect Australia Provider
You can't start an apprenticeship or traineeship in Queensland without having an Apprentice Connect Australia Provider (Provider).
First point of call
Once the training contract is registered, the Provider will be your first point of call about the apprenticeship or traineeship for the life of the training contract.
Role of Apprentice Connect Australia Providers
Providers are contracted by the Australian Government to provide free advice and assistance with recruiting, training and retaining apprentices and trainees.
Their role is to:
- advise you about the most suitable apprenticeship/traineeship for your business
- help you find an apprentice/trainee
- help you choose a (supervising) registered training organisation to deliver off-the-job training
- help you work out timing and location of off-the-job-training
- do most of the paperwork and administrative tasks for setting up, maintaining and completing the apprenticeship or traineeship
- provide a training contract for you and your apprentice/trainee to sign
- check your eligibility for Australian Government incentives and subsidies
- provide advice and support during the apprenticeship/traineeship.
Find out how to: