Group training organisations

Group training organisations (GTOs) provide alternative employment and training options for apprentices and trainees.

Apprentices and trainees hired by GTOs can spend their entire apprenticeship or traineeship with one host employer or be rotated around several host employers.

Benefits for employers

GTOs are beneficial for employers who:

  • can't or don't want to support an apprentice or trainee for the full term of their apprenticeship or traineeship (good for small or specialised employers)
  • can't or don't want to do the administrative work necessary for recruiting, managing and training an apprentice or trainee.

Host employer's responsibilities

When you host an apprentice or trainee from a GTO, you're responsible for:

  • providing work and on-the-job training for the apprentice or trainee
  • providing supervision and a safe working environment
  • releasing the apprentice or trainee for off-the-job training
  • participating and contributing to the workplace assessment of the apprentice or trainee
  • contacting the GTO if there are issues with the performance or attendance.

GTOs' responsibilities

GTOs are responsible for:

  • recruiting and employing apprentices or trainees
  • paying wages, allowances and job entitlements
  • screening host employers
  • placing apprentices or trainees with host employers
  • organising off-the-job training with supervising registered training organisations
  • working with you as a host employer to develop and renew the training plan.

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