Amend the training contract
There are many reasons for amending the training contract, such as:
- updating personal and business details
- correcting mistakes
- changing the qualification
- changing the supervising registered training organisation (SRTO).
Some changes are considered minor, while some are major. They are treated differently and use different processes and forms
Change name or address
You can make minor changes to the training contract, including correcting typographical mistakes or updating your trading name or business address or your apprentice's or trainee's name or address.
Notify your Apprentice Connect Australia Provider (Provider) either verbally, or in writing, using Form ATF-017.
Change of legal name, legal name and ABN, trust or trustee details
Step 1: Notify your Provider, using Form ATF-046.
Step 2: If this change affects the training plan, you'll need to advise your SRTO as well.
Change business owner
If you sell your business, or your business partnership is partially dissolved (1 or more persons in the partnership will continue the business), and the new owner/partnership retains your apprentice or trainee, the training contract undergoes a statutory transfer. All obligations under the training contract are transferred to the new owner, and the training contract continues without interruption.
Change dates and dates of birth
Changing the training contract start date or updating a mistake in the apprentice's or trainee's date of birth, when it affects legal age limits of the apprenticeship or traineeship, are considered major changes.
Step 1: Notify your Provider, using Form ATF-035.
Step 2: If this change affects the training plan, you'll need to advise your SRTO as well.
Change the end date
To change the end date of the training contract, you'll need to apply to extend the training contract.
Change work hours (part-time to full-time or vice versa)
A change in 'contract mode' applies when you want to change your apprentice's or trainee's working hours (e.g. increase hours from part-time to full-time).
Step 1: This change will affect the training plan, so you'll need support from your SRTO.
Step 2: Notify your Provider, using Form ATF-035.
Change qualification type, level or name
Different qualification
Step 1: A change to a different qualification, in a different industry or training package, may affect funding support, length of contract and pay rate, so speak to your Provider first.
Step 2: This change will affect the training plan, so you'll need support from your SRTO.
Level of qualification
Step 1: If you want to change the apprentice's or trainee's qualification level (e.g. certificate II level to certificate III level), you'll need support from your SRTO, as this change will affect the training plan.
Step 2: Notify your Provider, using Form ATF-035.
Change the SRTO
If you or your apprentice or trainee are having problems with your SRTO, try some of our steps for resolving issues with your SRTO. However, if you have tried these steps already and can't come to a resolution, you and your apprentice or trainee can agree to change your SRTO.
Step 1: You must contact your original SRTO to:
- give them 14 days written notice
- request a 'statement of attainment' for your apprentice or trainee, which lists all completed competencies.
Step 2: Notify your Provider, using Form ATF-010. This must be done at least 14 days before the replacement begins.