Employing mature age workers

It makes good business sense to consider how you can better recruit, manage and retain mature age workers, particularly as the Australian workforce ages.

Advantages of employing mature age workers

Mature age workers have often built up knowledge and skills during their time in the workforce, so they can help you:

  • consider business operations from a different perspective
  • pass on skills or transfer knowledge to less experienced employees.

Read about other advantages of employing mature age people.

Short course – supporting mature age people in the workplace

The Back to Work program offers a free and short online course for small businesses to help them understand the values and strengths of mature age workers. Learn about:

  • attracting and retaining
  • techniques to support and benefit mature age workers
  • sources of funding and external support.

Recruiting and keeping mature age workers

The Investing in experience tool kit by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations offers some useful strategies to hire or retain mature age workers.

The toolkit includes:

  • recruitment tips
    • how to improve the language of job advertisements
    • how and where to advertise positions
    • suggested shortlisting and interviewing processes
  • approaches to retaining people
    • by redesigning work
    • increasing flexibility
    • creating career development opportunities
    • promoting an age-positive work culture.

You can also identify how well your business employs mature age workers. Get help developing an action plan and learn how to make sure your business is attractive to mature age workers.

Financial support for employing mature age workers

You may be eligible for financial support and incentives for employing mature age workers.

Employer support payment

You may be eligible for an employer support payment of up to $15,000 if you hire an unemployed jobseeker.

Learn more about the employer support payment offered by the Back to Work program.

Wage subsidies

Workforce Australia offers wage subsidies of up to $10,000 for eligible businesses that hire or retain employees aged 50 years and over.

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