Support to hire people from migrant and refugee backgrounds
A range of specialist employment programs and community networks exist to assist in recruiting candidates from a migrant or refugee backgrounds and provide support to potential employees.
Services that support job-matching, connections to community, mentoring, and workplace inclusion are contributors to successful employment outcomes. Available services can vary depending on established programs and industry needs and support can often be tailored to the needs of an employer or potential employees.
Diverse Queensland Workforce program
The Diverse Queensland Workforce program is the Queensland Government's flagship program to assist migrants, refugees, and international students into employment. It funds a network of community organisations across Queensland to offer a one-stop shop for client-centred migrant employment services.
As an employer, connecting with these funded organisations in specific locations across the state may help you source suitable jobseekers.
Services are available in:
- Brisbane
- Cairns
- Gold Coast
- Ipswich
- Logan
- Rockhampton
- Sunshine Coast
- Toowoomba
- Townsville.
Learn more about the Diverse Queensland Workforce program and contact the funded organisations directly to find out about eligibility and availability.
Video: Empowering women in FNQ
'The work we do is very much around building resilience and supporting women to participate both economically and socially in our community. Over the last 18 months, we've supported over 100 women and girls aged 15 and over into employment pathways and a whole range of industries including construction, healthcare, childcare, retail, agriculture.'
– Anita Veivers, Centacare Far North Queensland (funded under Diverse Queensland Workforce)
Specialist support services
There are many organisations who specialise in supporting both employers and jobseekers to help fill skilled job vacancies with staff from migrant or refugee backgrounds.
The types of support these services offer can include:
- partnering with industry on networking events and mentoring opportunities
- helping you find overseas-trained professionals with the skills you need
- preparing overseas-trained jobseekers for employment and helping them get the right licences
- providing on-the-job assistance to you and your employees during industry placements and induction periods
- facilitating community connections for peer guidance and wellbeing support
- sharing knowledge on environmental factors that may be impacting on an employee’s community and work life, and advising on ways to support retention
- designing diversity and inclusion programs and training.
Contact a specialist organisation
Diverse Queensland Workforce Program providers
Local not-for-profit organisations funded in key locations to provide a one-stop-shop or hub that offers client-centred services to increase employment opportunities for work-ready migrants, refugees, and international students.
Australian Red Cross
Provides an employment-matching service for refugees and asylum seekers.
Community Corporate
Provides an employment-matching service for migrants and refugees and an online talent platform.
Work and Stay (Settlement Services International)
Works with employers to recruit the right candidate and provides relocation and settlement support for candidates relocating to regional locations for professional level job opportunities.
Regional Opportunities Australia (ROA)
ROA identifies regional areas that have employment and lifestyle opportunities. It also identifies migrants and refugees who are willing to relocate to regional communities for these opportunities. ROA supports employment readiness and planning for relocation and integration to new communities. ROA can also assist local organisations and councils to support the successful settlement of newcomers.
Work and Stay (Settlement Services International)
Works with employers to recruit the right candidate and provides relocation and settlement support for candidates relocating to regional locations for professional level job opportunities.
Diverse Queensland Workforce Program providers
Local not-for-profit organisations funded in key locations to provide a one-stop-shop or hub that offers client-centred services to increase employment opportunities for work-ready migrants, refugees, and international students.
Australian Red Cross
Provides an employment-matching service for refugees and asylum seekers.
Provides 3-month paid internships for humanitarian entrants that are mid-career professionals looking to find work in their fields and university students.
Community Corporate
Provides an employment-matching service for migrants and refugees and an online talent platform.
Regional Opportunities Australia (ROA)
ROA identifies regional areas that have employment and lifestyle opportunities. It also identifies migrants and refugees who are willing to relocate to regional communities for these opportunities. ROA supports employment readiness and planning for relocation and integration to new communities. ROA can also assist local organisations and councils to support the successful settlement of newcomers.
Diverse Queensland Workforce Program providers
Local not-for-profit organisations funded in key locations to provide a one-stop-shop or hub that offers client-centred services to increase employment opportunities for work-ready migrants, refugees, and international students.
Provides 3-month paid internships for humanitarian entrants that are mid-career professionals looking to find work in their fields and university students.
Community Corporate
Provides an employment-matching service and an online talent platform.
Study Queensland
Information about employing international students during and after their studies, including visa requirements.
Community Action for a Multicultural Society (CAMS) program
Locally based organisations that deliver economic and social inclusion outcomes for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland
ECCQ is regarded as the peak organisation within the multicultural sector in Queensland. ECCQ supports social and economic participation for all Queenslanders through strengthening community associations, delivering leadership training, creating employment pathways, and raising awareness of the benefits of cultural diversity.
Multicultural Affairs Queensland
Supporting and empowering Queenslanders from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds to participate in, benefit from and contribute to the economy and community.
Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
Represents the rights and interests of young people from diverse cultural backgrounds in Australia.
Recognition of overseas qualifications
The Overseas Qualification Unit provides free general academic assessment that indicates how an overseas-gained qualification compares in Australian terms.
Where the person's skills do not meet practice requirements, a range of programs are available to help individuals meet regulatory standards. Some examples include:
- online training courses and micro credentials to bridge skills gap between overseas and Australian practice (e.g. technical language, regulatory standards, and technology)
- virtual internships, industry placements and mentoring
- professional development and education courses.
Contact the support services listed above for advice.
Visas and right to work
You can check visa work eligibility via the Visa Entitlement Verification Online system (VEVO) or by requesting candidates provide a copy of visa entitlements from VEVO showing work eligibility.
Find out more about hiring staff from overseas.
Financial support
Under Queensland's Back to Work program, you can apply for an Employer Incentive Payment of up to $15,000 per eligible employee when hiring an unemployed Queenslander (including refugees and culturally and linguistically diverse people).
Also consider...
- Access webinars from Multicultural Queensland Month 2024.
- Read An employer's guide to working with refugees (PDF, 2.9MB).
- Access a range of inclusive workplace resources, videos and training materials from SBS's Inclusion Program.
- Learn more about workplace diversity and inclusion.
- Read about hiring and recruiting staff and finding the right people.
- Contact one of our Industry Workforce Advisors to get specialised advice and support for your industry.
- Read more about the Back to Work program, which supports employers who hire long-term unemployed jobseekers.
- Find information, tips and resources on hiring and recruiting from our Mentoring for Growth mentors.