Industry Workforce Advisors
Planning for Procurement webinar
Join our free 'Planning for Procurement' webinar and learn how strategic workforce planning can set you up for success.
Date: Wednesday 19 March 2025
Time: 9.00-10.30am
Working with an Industry Workforce Advisor can help you plan your workforce, find solutions to employment challenges, and connect with programs, incentives and funding opportunities. Find out how you can engage with an Industry Workforce Advisor.
About Industry Workforce Advisors
Industry Workforce Advisors have been established under the Good people. Good jobs: Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022–2032 to help employers:
- identify solutions to workforce challenges
- connect with relevant Queensland programs and funding, industry-based initiatives and grant funding, and Australian Government wage subsidies and employer incentives.
The Industry Workforce Advisor program aims to provide workforce planning assistance to employers in small and medium sized businesses, enabling them to address workforce challenges, diversify their workforces, and support workforce growth. This may include identifying recruitment strategies to expand applicant pools and considering underrepresented groups (e.g. migrants, young people, those who identify as women, First Nations or as having a disability).
Maximising workforce participation enables employers to draw on a larger talent pool, ensuring all Queenslanders have access to employment opportunities, particularly people who have previously been underrepresented in the workplace. By increasing participation and leveraging the existing skills, experience and qualifications of all Queenslanders, including migrant communities, we can build a stronger, more capable workforce.
Working with an Industry Workforce Advisor
Industry Workforce Advisors work directly with individual employers to:
- identify workforce challenges, develop a workforce plan and suggest options to address the challenges including accessing grants and incentives
- refer small businesses to the Workforce Connect Fund for new and innovative human resource (HR) solutions
- assist employers to develop strategies to recruit and attract people for their workforce, including from diverse groups, and other potential labour supply (e.g. skilled migration)
- connect employers with the department's programs including grants and initiatives, this Business Queensland website's information and Australian Government programs and incentives.
Workforce Connect Fund applications
Small businesses need to engage with an Industry Workforce Advisor to be eligible to apply for the Workforce Connect Fund – Human Resources Support Grants.
Contact an Industry Workforce Advisor
The following Industry Workforce Advisors have been contracted to 31 December 2025 to provide coverage for these industry sectors.
Agriculture and horticulture
Kym Wessling
Industry Workforce Advisor
Queensland Farmers' Federation Ltd
Mobile: 0427 576 602

Kelvin Millar
Industry Workforce Advisor
Motor Trades Association of Queensland
Mobile: 0413 151 622

Business and information and communication technology
Eleanor Crosby
Industry Workforce Advisor
Australian Computer Society
Mobile: 0448 901 376

Community services
Stuart Coward
Industry Workforce Advisor
CheckUP Australia
Mobile: 0417 282 372

Electrotechnology and utilities
Glenn English
Industry Workforce Advisor
Energy Skills Queensland
Mobile: 0480 524 849

First Nations health care and social assistance
Carissa McAllister
Industry Workforce Advisor
CheckUP Australia
Phone: 0498 801 004
Jamie Brown
Industry Workforce Advisor
CheckUP Australia
Mobile: 0406 016 566

Manufacturing and Engineering
Tina Pholi
Industry Workforce Advisor
Manufacturing Skills Queensland
Mobile: 0438 712 508

Retail and personal services
Victoria Hansen
Industry Workforce Advisor
National Retail Association
Mobile: 0403 467 859

Tourism, hospitality and events
Mitch Ryan
Industry Workforce Advisor
Queensland Tourism Industry Council
Mobile: 0407 696 154

Transport and logistics
Angela Mottram
Industry Workforce Advisor
Queensland Trucking Association Ltd
Mobile: 0401 712 516

Also consider...
- Learn more about workforce planning for small businesses.
- Read the Good people. Good jobs: Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022–2032.
- Learn how Manufacturing Skills Queensland (MSQ) is supporting the manufacturing industry.
- Learn more about finding and hiring staff.
- Read more about training and developing your staff.
- Read the Ask a mentor – workforce management and planning – information and tips from our Mentoring for Growth (M4G) mentors.
- Find future employment projections for regions, industries, occupations and qualifications in Queensland.
- Find information about financial support for hiring staff.
- Learn more about free or low-cost training courses.
- View Jobs Queensland's Workforce Planning Connect webinar to learn about the benefits of workforce planning for your business and the tools and resources available to help you plan your workforce.