Supporting your apprentice or trainee
To maximise their skills development, supporting your apprentice or trainee through their training, and in the workplace, is essential.
Read how to support your apprentice or trainee and find contacts for specialist services to help you and/or your apprentice or trainee.
Apprenticeships Info helpline
As the state's regulator of apprenticeships and traineeships, we support all parties involved, including employers like you.
Contact us for information, advice and support.
Training and skills
Contact Apprenticeships Info for assistance with:
- skills deficits
- training contracts
- training plans.
Respectful workplaces
Maintaining a healthy, respectful workplace is good for your business and your employees, especially apprentices and trainees who may feel vulnerable.
Research shows workplace issues are a big reason why apprentices and trainees don't complete their training.
Common causes of contract cancellations include:
- unclear expectations of the job and the nature of the job
- discrimination, harassment, unfair treatment
- bullying and personal safety concerns
- not getting along with their employer or other people at work.
Learn more about:
- building and maintaining respectful and safe workplaces
- new initiatives to help you train and retain
- free online micro-credentials through TAFE Queensland for supervisors of apprentices and trainees to help them mentor and provide safe workplaces to apprentices and trainees
- providing support for First Nations employees and building cultural safety in your workplace.
Advocacy and support services
Depending on the issue, and its severity, we may refer your matter on to a specialised advocacy and support service.
Women in Trades Mentoring Program
Free tailored support services and training for employers and mentoring and support to first and second year female apprentices is available in the following industries:
- automotive – MTA Queensland
- construction – Housing Industry Association and Master Builders Queensland
- electrical – Energy Skills Queensland
- manufacturing – Manufacturing Skills Queensland.
Fair Work Ombudsman
The Fair Work Ombudsman provides information and advice on workplace matters, and works to ensure compliance with the Fair Work Act 2009, helping to prevent and stop bullying, sexual harassment and discrimination in your workplace.
Phone 13 13 94
WorkSafe Queensland
WorkSafe Queensland is Queensland's work health and safety regulator – providing information and tools to help manage risks, protect the health, safety and wellbeing of workers, and ensure work health and safety laws are followed and enforced. This site includes information on keeping young workers safe based on their unique needs.
Phone 1300 362 128
Human rights commissions
Australian and Queensland human rights commissions investigate complaints of workplace bullying, harassment or discrimination based on a person's race, sex, age, sexual orientation, religion or disability under human rights laws. Services may include conciliation between parties to reach a resolution.
Australian Human Rights Commission
Phone 1300 369 711
Queensland Human Rights Commission
Phone 1300 130 670
Respect@Work has various resources to better understand, prevent and address workplace sexual harassment, including how to help your employees. You'll also find everyone's rights and obligations under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984, including your duty to prevent workplace sexual harassment, sex discrimination and victimisation.
Working Women Queensland
Working Women Queensland assists vulnerable women with work-related matters, such as unfair treatment, underpayment and conditions of employment.
Phone 1800 621 458
Professional networks for women
Learn about the benefits of professional networking and find a women's network for your industry.
TIACS (This is a conversation starter)
TIACS is a free and confidential chat, text and callback service, providing early intervention mental health support for Australia's truckies, tradies, blue collar workers and those who care about them.
Phone or text 0488 846 988
Mates in Construction
Mates, serving the construction industry in Queensland, provides community development programs on sites, and supports workers in need through case management and a 24/7 helpline.
Phone 1300 642 111
Mental health services
If you or someone you care about is distressed, in crisis, suicidal or needs someone to talk to, you can access 24/7 confidential, non-judgemental support from providers such as local health professionals and Lifeline.
1800RESPECT is the national domestic family and sexual violence counselling service, offering 24-hour counselling, information and referral services.
Phone 1800 737 732 (1800RESPECT)
Relationships Australia
Relationships Australia provides counselling and family dispute resolution services to individuals, families and communities.
Phone 1300 364 277