Architects practice sustainability in design and office waste - video transcript

In this LatStudios climate action case study video, learn how this Brisbane design collective practice what they preach in their office by reducing the organic and non-organic waste that goes to landfill.

Architects practice sustainability in design and office waste

[Damian Thompson – Director, LatStudios]

Climate action means to me finding the best way for us to coexist within fragile natural systems.

[Wendy Davies – Practice Director, LatStudios]

As a team of designers, landscape architects, architects, and urban designers, we really are very keen on sustainability in terms of our profession.

What we wanted to do really was to try to practice what we preach in terms of our professional life.

So the key things that LatStudios really are doing to reduce greenhouse emissions are to reduce waste going to landfill, and that's our big focus.

And that's really through 2 streams. We've got organic waste stream, which is the thing I'm most passionate about, and then we've got the inorganic waste stream, which Zara takes care of.

[Zara Monteith – Graphic Designer, LatStudios]

We've implemented a variety of measures to redirect waste from landfill into streams to recycle, or avoiding the items altogether by bringing in reusables, like reusable cups, and cutlery, and plates.

[Wendy Davies]

One of our first steps really was to start taking home the organic waste. But that's grown over time, so now we have an office worm farm.

We've managed to accommodate our worm farm in the cupboard, so it really can be done even in a city office.

[Zara Monteith]

We've seen a decrease in the amount of rubbish and recycling by 20 to 25%. The entire proportion of what we're disposing of has decreased significantly.

[Wendy Davies]

Draw on the passions of the staff because we can do a lot more collectively than we can on our own.

[Damian Thompson]

We always say, with design, just begin anywhere. It's the same with this process, reducing emissions and making a healthier future.

Watch the LatStudios climate action case study video.