Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management Standards (IChEMS)
IChEMS establishes nationally consistent standards for managing the import, manufacture, export, use and disposal of industrial chemicals to reduce the impact of industrial chemicals on the environment.
Under IChEMS, the Queensland Government regulates the use and waste disposal aspects of these chemicals. The Australian Government regulates the import and manufacture of these chemicals.
The IChEMS applies to chemicals with an industrial use, listed or ‘scheduled’ in the Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management (Register) Instrument 2022 (IChEMS Register). Find out more, including the full list of scheduled chemicals, on the IChEMS online register.
However, the IChEMS does not apply when a chemical is used for:
- agricultural or veterinary chemical purposes
- therapeutic purposes
- food, or food additives, intended for consumption by humans or animals.
If a chemical has an industrial use and is also used for agricultural, veterinary, or therapeutic purposes, or for food intended for consumption by humans or animals the IChEMS only applies to the industrial use.
The IChEMS assigns measures for safe use, storage handling and disposal. These standards detail the required actions that introduces, exporters and users must achieve. The IChEMS minimum standards are baseline requirements for the environmental management of industrial chemicals. They apply to all chemicals listed in the IChEMS register. Tighter standards are applied to activities that involve higher risk chemicals, these can include prohibitions and restrictions.
Chemicals are listed under their risk category in the IChEMS register. Schedule 7 and 6 chemicals are of the highest concern because they pose the greatest risk to the environment. Schedule 1 chemicals are of the lowest concern. To date scheduling decisions have been made for 1244 industrial chemicals.
To meet the requirements of the general environmental duty prescribed by the Environmental Protection Act 1994 a person carrying out an activity involving a relevant industrial chemical must comply with any risk management measures for that chemical under a scheduling decision under the Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management (Register) Act 2021 even if the person has otherwise taken all reasonably practicable measures to prevent or minimise environmental harm caused, or likely to be caused, by the activity.
To ensure that you comply with your obligations, it is recommended that you:
- identify whether a scheduling decision has been made for chemicals associated with your activity under the Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management (Register) Act 2021 – this information is available on the IChEMS online register
- comply with any risk management measures including those relating to the disposal of that chemical (where a scheduling decision has been made).
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Scheduling decisions
On 1 July 2025, Schedule 7 listings for Perfluoroctanoic acid (PFOA), Perfluoroctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), and Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS) come into effect. It is important to note that the Schedule 7 listing requirements apply to a wide range of PFAS compounds that degrade into PFOA, PFOS, and PFHxS.
Schedule 7 contains the highest risk chemicals, all uses of industrial chemicals listed in Schedule 7 should be phased out. From 1 July 2025 the industrial use of, PFOA, PFOS, and PFHxS (whether on their own or in mixtures) is prohibited except in specific circumstances.
Businesses using PFOA, PFOS, and PFHxS or an article containing these chemicals must:
- discontinue the use PFOA, PFOS, and PFHxS of from 1 July 2025 (exemptions apply)
- notify the department about the nature and size of any stockpile of PFOA, PFOS, and PFHxS
- store stockpiles of PFOA, PFOS, and PFHxS in manner that minimises risk of these chemicals being released into the environment
- manage stockpiles of PFOA, PFOS, and PFHxS as waste (see below for more information on handling waste)
- comply with the requirements of the IChEMS minimum standards.
If you handle waste containing PFOA, PFOS, and PFHxS you must:
- manage stockpiles of waste containing PFOA, PFOS, and PFHxS in a particular way
- take measures to avoid contaminating other wastes with PFOA, PFOS, and PFHxS
- dispose of waste containing PFOA, PFOS, and PFHxS in a particular way
- not recover, recycle, reclaim or reuse PFOA, PFOS, and PFHxS on its own (i.e., as a neat chemical).
Frequently asked questions
When does the IChEMS apply?
The IChEMS applies to Chemicals with an industrial use, listed or ‘scheduled’ in the Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management (Register) Instrument 2022 (IChEMS Register). Find more information, including the full list of scheduled chemicals, on the IChEMS online register,
When does IChEMS not apply?
The IChEMS does not apply when a chemical is used for:
- agricultural or veterinary chemical purposes
- therapeutic purposes
- food, or food additives, intended for consumption by humans or animals.
If a chemical has an industrial use and is also used for the purposes listed above the IChEMS only applies to the industrial use.
What is use?
‘Use’ of an industrial chemical is defined in the Industrial Chemicals Act 2019 (Cth) to include any of the following activities involving an industrial chemical:
- processing
- formulating
- storing
- transporting
- filling into containers
- transferring from a container to another container
- handling
- mixing
- sampling and testing
- producing an article
- releasing into the environment (with or without prior treatment)
- activities relating to an end use for the industrial chemical
How do I identify which chemicals are listed on the IChEMS Register?
The full list of scheduled chemicals is available on the IChEMS online register and is the simplest way to identify which chemicals are listed. This online register includes information on the prohibitions, restrictions and risk management measures for each scheduled chemical in the Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management (Register) Instrument 2022 (IChEMS Register).
Chemicals are listed based on their risk category in the IChEMS Register. Schedule 7 and 6 chemicals are of the highest concern because they pose the greatest risk to the environment. Schedule 1 chemicals are of the lowest concern. To date scheduling decisions have been made for 1244 industrial chemicals.
The list of scheduled chemicals will be updated as standards are made under the IChEMS.
What is the purpose of the IChEMS?
The IChEMS assigns measures for safe use, storage handling and disposal of industrial chemicals by identifying:
- minimum standards
- and
- risk management measures for certain industrial chemicals listed in the Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management (Register) Instrument 2022. This information is available on the IChEMS online register.
These standards and measures detail the required actions that importers, exporters and users must achieve to manage the environmental risks.
The IChEMS minimum standards are baseline requirements for the environmental management of industrial chemicals. They apply to all chemicals listed in the IChEMS register.
Tighter standards (risk management measurements) are applied to activities that involve higher risk chemicals, these can include prohibitions and restrictions. The full list of scheduled chemicals and their associated risk management measurements listed in the Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management (Register) Instrument 2022 is available on the IChEMS online register.
How do I meet the general environmental duty?
To meet the requirements of the general environmental duty prescribed by the Environmental Protection Act 1994 a person carrying out an activity involving a relevant industrial chemical must comply with any risk management measures for that chemical under a scheduling decision under the Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management (Register) Act 2021 even if the person has otherwise taken all reasonably practicable measures to prevent or minimise environmental harm caused, or likely to be caused, by the activity.
To ensure that you comply with your obligations, it is recommended that you:
- Identify whether a scheduling decision has been made for chemicals associated with your activity under the Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management (Register) Act 2021. This information is available on the IChEMS online register.
- Comply with the requirements of the IChEMS minimum standards.
- Comply with any risk management measures for a scheduled chemical, including those relating to the disposal of that chemical, listed in the Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management (Register) Instrument 2022 – this information is available on the IChEMS online register.
How do I dispose of industrial chemicals?
If you wish to dispose of an industrial chemical in Queensland, you should:
- Comply with any risk management measures, including those relating to the disposal of that chemical, listed in the Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management (Register) Instrument 2022 – this information is available on the IChEMS online register.
- Identify whether the waste is classified as a regulated waste and/or trackable waste under the Environmental Protection Regulation 2019.
- The department's information sheet Overview of regulated waste categorisation explains the process to follow when determining whether a waste is a regulated waste.
- If a regulated waste, ensure the waste is transported by a licenced waste transporter to a licenced waste disposal facility permitted to accept the regulated waste. Environmental authorities are published on the department's public register portal which enables you to confirm that operators are appropriately licenced.
- If a trackable waste, ensure that you comply with your obligations as a generator of trackable waste. Find out more about your waste tracking obligations as a trackable waste generator and how do you submit waste tracking information
Can I release an industrial chemical into the sewer?
You cannot release a waste into the sewer, or wastewater treatment system, unless you have obtained a trade waste approval from your local council or wastewater utility provider. Please contact your local council or water utility provider for further information on trade waste approvals.
What happens if I do not comply?
Failure to comply with the risk management measures specified for a chemical in a scheduling decision under the Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management (Register) Act 2021 is taken to be a contravention of the general environmental duty, even if the person has otherwise taken all reasonably practicable measures to prevent or minimise environmental harm caused, or likely to be caused.
In some circumstances, the department may pursue a prosecution for a contravention of the general environmental duty. Decisions to take enforcement action will be made in accordance with the our enforcement guidelines.
More information
For details on a person’s obligations, refer to the Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management (Register) Instrument 2022 (IChEMS Register).
For more information relating to IChEMS, read:
- IChEMS General Frequently Asked Questions (PDF, 105KB)
- Interpreting an IChEMS standard (PDF, 88KB)
- Chemicals, products and articles under IChEMS (PDF, 106KB)
- the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water IChEMS webpage.
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