Environmental codes of practice for industry

Industry codes of practice have been developed to help businesses comply with their general environmental duty and the Environmental Protection Act 1994.

Codes are usually prepared by industry bodies and advise members on how to prevent or minimise environmental harm.

Complying with an approved code of practice is voluntary but, by proving your compliance, you can defend a charge of unlawfully causing environmental harm.

Approved environmental codes

The following industry codes of practice have been approved by the Minister for Environment and the Great Barrier Reef.

In some instances, the code of practice has expired. Where expired codes of practice are anticipated to be replaced, the expired code remains beneficial as guidance material and will remain available online until new codes of practice have been developed by industry bodies and finalised. Where no replacement codes are being developed, archived code of practice documents will be available through the Library Catalogue.

Concrete batching

Concrete batching industry code of practice (ESR/2015/1715) (PDF, 327KB)
Expires 19 February 2030
Developed by Cement Concrete and Aggregates Australia and the Queensland Government

Mosquito management

Mosquito management code of practice (ESR/2016/3089) (PDF, 2.1MB)
Expired 11 December 2021
Prepared by the Local Government Association of Queensland

Mareeba Dimbulah Water Supply Scheme algal management code of practice

Mareeba Dimbulah Water Supply Scheme algal management code of practice (PDF, 930KB) and explanatory guide and monitoring program (PDF, 1.2MB)
Expires 2 October 2027
Developed by Queensland Government and Sunwater

Queensland Murray-Darling Basin Store and Release

Code of practice for the release of stored water from privately owned farm storages to receiving waters in the Queensland Murray-Darling Basin 2025-32 (PDF, 574KB) and explanatory guide (PDF, 504KB)
Expires 14 February 2032
Developed by the Queensland Government and Cotton Australia

Transport noise management – Volume 2 – Construction noise and vibration

Transport noise management code of practice (ESR/2016/3084) (PDF, 1.4MB)
Expires 10 August 2030
Developed by the Department of Transport and Main Roads

Developing a code of practice

To develop an environmental code of practice for your industry, you need to be a:

  • leading Industry or government association for Queensland (e.g. Queensland Farmers' Federation or Local Government Association of Queensland)
  • leading business for your industry (e.g. Queensland Rail).

To develop a code of practice, you can download the:

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