Administering authority for environmental authorities

Use our forms and fees finder for information on applying for a new environmental authority (EA) or managing your existing EAs.

The administering authority is the entity that will process, assess and issue your environmental authority (EA). The entity that administers your EA will depend on the environmentally relevant activity (ERA), or combination of ERAs, you are proposing.

Your administering authority can be the:

  • Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation (DETSI)
  • Department of Primary Industries (DPI)
  • local government authority where the ERA will be located.

To find out your administering authority, use our forms and fees finder or check the summary of annual fees for ERAs (ESR/2015/1746) (PDF, 1MB).

Administering authority based on the activity

DETSI is the administering authority for:

  • all ERAs relating to resources activities1
  • all other ERAs, except those specifically identified below for DPI or local government.

ERAs that may be administered by another authority2:

  • DPI3
    • ERA2 – Intensive animal feedlotting
    • ERA3 – Pig farming
    • ERA4 – Poultry farming.
  • Local government4
    • ERA6 – Asphalt manufacturing
    • ERA12 – Plastic product manufacturing
    • ERA19 – Metal forming
    • ERA38(1)(a) – Surface coating
    • ERA49 – Boat maintenance or repair carried out at a boat maintenance or repair facility.

1For any resource activity, you must submit a tenure application to the Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing and Regional and Rural Development before you apply to DETSI for an EA. Read more information on making an enquiry and engaging in pre-lodgement for a resource project.

2If DPI or local government are undertaking any of the above activities, or there is another ERA involved onsite that is regulated by DETSI, DETSI is the administering authority for the above ERAs.

3DPI administer a range of other activities that are not ERAs including dairy farming for commercial milk production, livestock holding facilities and other intensive animal feeding activities.

4Some local governments have an exemption from regulating these ERAs, in which case DETSI becomes the administering authority. If your activity is in one of the following local governments, DETSI is your administering authority.

    • Balonne Shire Council
    • Banana Shire Council
    • Barcaldine Regional Council
    • Barcoo Shire Counciil
    • Bulloo Shire Council
    • Caprentaria Shire Council
    • Central Highlands Regional Council
    • Charters Towers Regional Council
    • Cook Shire Council
    • Croydon Shire Council
    • Diamantina Shire Council
    • Gympie Regional Council
    • Hinchinbrook Shire Council
    • Lockyer Valley Regional Council
    • Longreach Regional Council
    • Mareeba Shire Council
    • Murweh Shire Council
    • Scenic Rim Regional Council
    • Southern Downs Regional Council
    • Tablelands Regional Council
    • Winton Shire Council.

Application forms

If your EA is administered by DETSI or DPI, use our application forms and fees to apply for and manage EAs. If local government is the administering authority, you will need to use their forms and fees – contact the local government where the activities are to occur.

Pre-lodgement meetings involving ERAs also requiring development assessment

There are 2 approval paths for prescribed ERAs. Many prescribed ERAs require concurrence assessment by the state and are identified in schedule 2 of the Environmental Protection Regulation 2019. These concurrence ERAs are identified in column 3 of Schedule 2 with a capital 'C'. A development application for a concurrence ERA is also an application for an EA.

Where a concurrence ERA is a material change of use, a development application is referred to the state for assessment under State Code 22: Environmentally Relevant Activities and the guideline (PDF, 434KB).

Refer to the Queensland Planning System website for more detail on how to prepare and lodge development applications.

The State Assessment and Referral Agency (SARA) is the point of contact for ERAs administered by the state requiring development applications.

For information on how to organise a pre-lodgement meeting, contact your local SARA office.

The department is the point of contact for EAs for ERAs administered by our department (whether integrated with a development application or not).

Pre-lodgement services

Before lodging an application, we strongly encourage you to use the pre-lodgement services offered by your administering authority. This will help you prepare a complete application. Unfortunately, it may not be possible to assess an incomplete application and, in such circumstances, the application will not proceed.

Pre-lodgement services give the administering authority an opportunity to provide advice to prospective applicants on the feasibility of approvals for a project based on early concepts, the application process, expected time frames, and the information that must be included in an application to meet the relevant legislative requirements. Your application will then be assessed more efficiently (as the administering authority will have all the information needed to make a decision).

For more complicated applications, using pre-lodgement services will help your administering authority decide if they need to:

  • nominate and assign a project manager for your application
  • assemble a specialist project team for assessing your application.

If DETSI is your administering authority, you can request a pre-lodgement meeting or submit a draft application for written advice by completing and submitting the Application for pre-lodgement services for an environmental authority.

DETSI offers pre-lodgement services for all EA related applications under the Environmental Protection Act 1994, including, but not limited to, applications:

  • for a new EA
  • to amend an EA
  • for a new progressive rehabilitation and closure plan (PRCP)
  • to amend a PRCP schedule
  • for a new estimated rehabilitation cost (ERC) decision
  • to amend an ERC decision
  • for a prescribed ERA, for a decision on, or to amend or discharge financial assurance (FA), especially when applying for a FA discount
  • to amalgamate EAs and/or PRCP schedules
  • for certification of progressive rehabilitation
  • to surrender or partially surrender an EA.

A phased pre-lodgement process is available for resource projects. To access supporting checklists and agendas for phased pre-lodgement, read the information sheet about pre-lodgement checklists (ESR/2023/6441) (DOCX, 244KB).

To apply, use the application for pre-lodgement services (ESR/2015/1664 and ESR/2023/6440). Read more information on making an enquiry and engaging in pre-lodgement for a resource.

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