Waste tracking in Online Services

You can record, submit and access information on waste tracking anytime using Online Services. Use these instructions to assist you in meeting your waste tracking obligations.

    1. Log in to Online Services.
    2. Click on the actions tab.
    3. Click on 'Notify of part 1 of a waste transport certificate'.
    4. Complete the form.
    5. Complete the declaration.
    6. Select payment method.
    7. Submit the certificate.

    For more detail read: How to lodge part 1 of a waste transport certificate (generator) (PDF, 518KB).

    1. Log in to Online Services.
    2. Click on the actions tab.
    3. Click on the action called 'Notify of part 2 waste transportation'.
    4. Enter the waste transport certificate reference number.
    5. Complete the form.
    6. Complete the declaration.
    7. Submit the certificate.

    For more detail read How to lodge part 2 of a waste transport certificate (transporter) (PDF, 230KB).

    1. Log in to Online Services.
    2. Click on the actions tab.
    3. Click on the action called 'Notify of part 3 waste received'.
    4. Enter the waste transport certificate reference number.
    5. Complete the form.
    6. Complete the declaration.
    7. Submit the certificate.

    For more detail read How to lodge part 3 of a waste transport certificate (receiver) (PDF, 232KB).

    1. Log in to Online Services.
    2. Click on the records tab.
    3. Click on the record category called 'Waste transport certificates'.
    4. Locate and open the waste transport certificate record that you wish to replicate.
    5. Click on 'part 1'.
    6. Click on 'replicate waste tracking certificate'.
    7. Fill out the form.
    8. Complete the declaration.
    9. Select payment method.
    10. Submit the certificate.

    For more detail read How to replicate part 1 of a waste transport certificate (PDF, 378KB).

    1. Log in to Online Services.
    2. Click on the actions tab.
    3. Click on the 'Notify of part 1 waste generation' action.
    4. Indicate that you are a 'Transporter acting as agent'.
    5. Fill out the 'Waste Transport Certificate (generator)' form.
    6. Complete the declaration.
    7. Click on 'start a manifest'.
    8. Click on 'continue manifest'.
    9. Fill out the 'Waste Transport Certificate (generator)' form.
    10. Repeat process as many times as needed then click on 'complete manifest'.
    11. Finalise payment.
    12. Click on 'continue'.

    For more detail read How to link multiple generators to part 2 and part 3 of a single waste transport certificate (start a manifest) (PDF, 518KB).

  • Purchase an online waste tracking digital book

    1. Log in to Online Services.
    2. Click on the actions tab.
    3. Click on the 'create digital book' action.
    4. Complete the declaration.
    5. Enter the quantity of credits that you wish to purchase.
    6. Finalise payment via BPOINT.

    Top up credits on your existing digital book

    1. Log in to Online Services.
    2. Click on the records tab.
    3. Click on the record category called 'waste digital books'.
    4. Click on 'top up digital book'.
    5. Enter the quantity of credits that you wish to purchase.
    6. Finalise payment via BPOINT.

    For more detail read How to purchase and top up an online waste tracking digital book (PDF, 228KB).

    1. Log in to Online Services.
    2. Click on the 'actions' tab.
    3. Click on the 'Upload bulk waste transport certificates' action.
    4. Indicate the number of rows that will be uploaded.
    5. Upload the waste transport certificate bulk upload file.
    6. Finalise the payment via BPOINT.
    7. Click on 'finish' to complete the process.

    For more detail read: How to upload and pay for a waste transport certificate bulk upload (PDF, 210KB).

Technical support

Support is available Monday–Friday 8.30am–4.30pm (AEST) (except public holidays).

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