Waste tracking exemptions

You do not have to record and submit waste tracking information for:

  • non-commercial transportation of less than 250kg of trackable waste
  • waste transported in a pipeline
  • waste activities granted an exemption by the Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation – read the seeking an exemption for trackable waste guideline (PDF, 445KB) to see if you are eligible
  • transportation of trackable waste in a container if
    • the amount of trackable waste is not more than 5% of the capacity of the container
    • and
    • the container is being transported to a place to be refilled with the same substance as the waste, without first undergoing any process other than the refilling
  • power station fly ash being transported to a place for use in the treatment of waste in a way that involves combining the waste with the ash
  • waste being transported to a registered laboratory for analysis
  • transportation of chemicals from a farm, by the owner or occupier of that farm (or by another person for free), to a place that disposes of agricultural or veterinary chemicals in accordance with a product stewardship
  • transportation of trackable waste in accordance with a product recall
    • by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority
    • or
    • reported to Food Standards Australia New Zealand
    • or
    • by the Therapeutic Goods Administration
  • waste being transported for use as a stock food
  • waste being transported to a farm for use as a soil conditioner or fertiliser.

The department can grant exemptions. To find out if you are eligible, read the exemption for trackable waste guideline (PDF, 445KB).

To apply for a waste tracking exemption with complete the exemption for transport of trackable waste form (DOCX, 194KB).

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