Marketing and sales

Find information, templates and tips to help you:

  • market your business
  • improve your sales
  • tender for business
  • build positive business relationships.

Marketing, advertising and promotion

Learn how to market, advertise and promote your business.

Websites, social media and digital marketing

Manage your business's online presence and start doing business online.

Market and customer research

Understand how to assess your business's operations and place in the market using research and analysis. Identify your customers and the ways to reach them.

Trading hours

Key information about business hours of operation in Queensland.

Customer service

Learn about the skills and procedures for providing great customer service in your business.

Legal obligations and consumer laws

Find how your business must comply with legal requirements, including privacy, selling and consumer laws.


Find tools and information to help you grow your sales, expand your customer base and meet your legal obligations.


Learn about how your business can tender for supply opportunities, including the process for tendering and how to find government opportunities.

Exporting: the basics

Discover how to grow your business through exporting. Find out about assistance, advice and education programs to help you make the most of global markets.