Grow and change your business

Find out how to grow your business and effectively change how you operate and innovate. Support is available to help guide and fund your development.

Our adapt and change your business section includes a step-by-step process with videos and templates to help you confidently prepare for changes in and around your business.

Grow and improve your business

Business mentoring

Learn about the benefits of business mentoring, how to become a mentor, finding a mentor and the Mentoring for Growth program.

Tips to improve your business

Discover some of the key steps you can take to start improving your business.

Trend analysis for business improvement

Read about using data to analyse business trends. There are different types of data, and you should understand what the limitations are.

Marketing and sales

Find information, templates and tips to help you market your business and improve your sales.

Responding to rapid growth

Understand the causes of rapid growth and how your business should respond to issues with cash flow, staff and changing premises.

Implementing change in your business

Adapt and change your business

Learn how to pivot or adapt your business to respond to change using our step-by-step process, videos and templates.

Becoming an innovative business

Learn how innovation can benefit your business, how to become an innovative business and how to promote innovation within your organisation.

Research and development (R&D)

Discover how a research and development (R&D) strategy can improve your business, and learn about support options for businesses investing in R&D.

New product development

Find out the process of developing new products for your business, including how to generate and evaluate concepts, and testing prototypes.

Health checks

Use the following interactive tools to evaluate and identify opportunities for growth.

Business health check

Complete our business health check and get your business ready for change. Learn how to better manage finances, understand customers and optimise operations.

Finance health check

Use our interactive tool and receive a personalised report assessing your current financial situation and identifying opportunities for growth.

Marketing health check

Use our health check to assess your current marketing approach and find resources to improve your marketing performance.