Meeting tender requirements related to boosting and decarbonising the economy

When procuring goods and services as part of the Queensland Government’s procurement approach, government prioritises businesses that make a difference to Queensland's economic growth and resilience.

For example, these include businesses that:

  • employ a local workforce
  • buy Queensland goods and services
  • will contribute to diversifying the State's supplier base, for example
    • small & family business and regional enterprises
    • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander businesses
    • social enterprises providing award-based wages (using the Supported Wage System where appropriate)
    • women-owned and/or women-led businesses
    • businesses owned or operated by people with disability
    • culturally and linguistically diverse suppliers
  • are innovative
  • support a decarbonised and circular economy (e.g. use of renewable energy, supporting resource efficiency, other environmental initiatives)
  • engage businesses that demonstrate any of the above as part of their supply chain.

When preparing for government procurement opportunities, be ready to respond and provide supporting information to demonstrate how your business meets any of the above requirements, as requested in the quote or tender.

For example, when demonstrating how your business supports a decarbonised and circular economy, consider whether and how your business:

  • recycles
  • reduces waste
  • reduces plastic use
  • reduces hazardous and toxic substances use, and ensure their correct disposal
  • reduces the use of energy, water or other resources, for example

Business Chamber Queensland ecoBiz program is a free service that helps Queensland businesses with less than 200 full-time equivalent employees cut costs across their energy, water and waste bills.

The program provides:

  • free benchmarking assistance to help track resource use
  • one-on-one on-site coaching sessions with a sustainability expert to help identify opportunities to implement initiatives to cut costs, reduce carbon emissions, and be more sustainable.

When completing a response to a quote or tender:

  • make sure you include what you're already doing or what you can commit to
  • when choosing to commit to an initiative, outline these plans in your tender response
  • have evidence (e.g. policies, processes, procedures, plans, systems, references, certificates of compliance) of your current or planned contribution, as we may request it.
