Meeting tender requirements related to supporting good jobs
When procuring goods and services as part of the Queensland Government's procurement approach, the government prioritises businesses that support genuine, quality, secure, ongoing local jobs. For example, these include businesses that:
- employ local workforces
- upskill Queenslanders and provide Queensland manufacturing opportunities through employing local apprentices and trainees
- help reduce long-term and youth unemployment
- supply food and beverages that are made, grown or produced in Queensland, and are listed on the Queensland Government Food and Beverage Supplier Directory
- comply with the best practice principles for projects worth $100 million and above, and declared projects
- engage businesses that demonstrate any of the above as part of their supply chain.
When preparing for government procurement opportunities, be ready to respond and provide supporting information to demonstrate how your business meets any of the above requirements, as requested in the quote or tender.
When completing a response to a quote or tender:
- Make sure you include what you're already doing or what you can commit to.
- If you choose to commit to an initiative, outline these plans in your tender response.
- Have evidence (e.g., policies, processes, procedures, plans, systems, references, certificates of compliance etc.) of your current or planned contribution, as we may request it.
- Learn about the Queensland Procurement Policy 2023