What is a registered design?
A registered design protects the shape, configuration, pattern or ornamentation of a product, that is, what gives a product a unique appearance.
What rights does a registered design give me?
A registered design confers upon the holder the right to stop others using the registered design in the country in which the design is registered.
Does a registered design need to be registered?
Does a registered design operate 'worldwide'?
No. A separate registered design needs to be sought in each country where the right to realise economic benefits from the registered design is sought.
How long does a registered design last?
A registered design lasts 5 years. Before the expiration of that time it can be renewed for a further period of 5 years. As it can only be renewed once, the maximum duration of a registered design is 10 years.
How do I search existing registered designs to see if my design is new and distinctive so that it can be registered?
You undertake search for a registered design on IP Australia's website.
How do I make an application to register a registered design?
You can lodge the application online on IP Australia's website. You can also engage a patent attorney to file the application
for you. |