Aerial photography

We provide access to more than 1 million analogue and digital aerial photographs of Queensland from the 1930s to the present. Photographs can be accessed online, or can be purchased in digital format.

Online access

Our most recent aerial photography is available to view free of charge through Queensland Globe. Aerial photography projects can be discovered through QSpatial.

You can also download scanned historical aerial photography originally captured on film from 1930 to 2009 through QImagery. They can also be purchased from us in digital format (see below).

  • View the footprints for the latest aerial photography acquisitions in the Queensland Globe.

Digital image supply and certificates

Historical aerial photography

Scanned historical aerial photographs originally captured on film are available as low-resolution (400dpi) and high-resolution (1693dpi) digital copies.

Digital supply

  • 1693dpi TIFF single photograph: {{ pass_32600 }}
  • Bulk supply of 400dpi resolution photographs: hourly service rate

Complete the Purchase Imagery and LiDAR form to order – go to the Queensland Spatial Help Centre and search for 'purchase imagery and LiDAR'.


Orthophotos are images that are processed to remove distortions and provide an accurate representation of the Earth.

The orthorectification process aims to remove the effects of aerial camera lens tip and tilt, image scale variations, and object displacements due to ground relief. Digital orthophoto images are georeferenced and can be used as a backdrop layer in geographic information systems (GIS) with other spatial information.

Orthophotos are generally available in uncompressed tagged image file format (TIFF) or compressed enhanced compression wavelet (ECW) format typically at pixel sizes of ground sampling distance (GSD) of 10cm and 20cm.

Digital supply

  • Rectified image per tile (includes spatial imagery subscription plan orthophotos), various sizes depending on project ground sampling distance (GSD): {{ pass_2372 }}

Complete the Purchase Imagery and LiDAR form to order or for technical advice – go to the Queensland Spatial Help Centre and search for 'purchase imagery and LiDAR'.

Court certificates

Our aerial photographs are official government records and we are authorised to supply certified images of Queensland land and coastal waters for use as evidence in court proceedings.

  • Digital photographic reproduction (PDF) and signed documentation validating the metadata of the historic aerial photography/orthophoto/imagery: {{ pass_2372 }}
  • Processing time: 10 business days from quote acceptance.

Note: This cost is for a certificate only. Additional costs for imagery orthophotos will be included in a quote.

Complete the Court Certificate – Imagery form to order – go to the Queensland Spatial Help Centre and search for 'Court certificates'.

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