Access free online maps, services and data, including digital data products.
Council flood mapping
Access local government flood maps to understand your property flood risk.
QTopo - online topographic maps
Access and download topographic maps of Queensland. Our maps provide measurements of distance, direction, area and quantity.
Mining and resources maps and spatial data
Find out how to access geological maps and tenure maps of Queensland.
Administrative maps
Access maps and data for government administrative boundary requirements including electoral districts and local government areas.
Strategic cropping land maps
Find out about the strategic cropping land trigger map, how to obtain maps and request amendments.
Property boundary and sales data - SmartMaps
Access current information about Queensland property boundaries, valuations and sales data, and survey information.
Queensland planning system interactive maps
Access a range of mapping products and spatial mapping data.
Electricity generation map
View maps and data to assist development of renewable energy initiatives.
Wind, solar and energy infrastructure maps
Use the Australian Renewable Energy Mapping Infrastructure website to obtain wind, solar and energy infrastructure maps and data.
Museum of Lands, Mapping and Surveying
Access historical maps, plans and land administration or take virtual tours or browse museum collections.
Free maps
Find out where to access free maps of Queensland.
Critical minerals map
Explore our interactive map to see Queensland's critical minerals deposits, current producers, processing facilities and other infrastructure.
Glossary of mapping and surveying terms
A useful list of defined mapping and surveying terms, acronyms and abbreviations to help you better understand maps.