Business Basics Grants Program

This grant program is currently closed to new applications

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The Business Basics grants program provides support to businesses to increase core skills and adopt best practice.

The program offers $7,500 (excluding GST) in funding. If successful, funding is paid upfront on approval. Successful applicants don't have to co-contribute to this grant but must pay for any related expenses in excess of the $7,500 grant funding.

Applicants can apply for funding for grant funded activities under the following priorities:

  1. Professional business advice
  2. Strategic marketing services
  3. Website build and upgrades.

Round 6 documents:

The program is administered by the Department of Customer Services, Open Data and Small and Family Business (CDSB).

Previous rounds – key documents

Round 5 key documents

Read these key documents and information:

More information

View our small business grants schedule to learn if you are eligible for other support.

You can also subscribe to the Business Queensland Connect newsletter to keep up to date with the latest information for Queensland small businesses.

Contact us

For further information about the program, email