Spatial imagery services program

The Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing, and Regional and Rural Development brokers access to a range of spatial imagery products and makes these available to government and business through the spatial imagery services program (SISP).

Our acquisition plan is detailed in the Queensland Spatial Imagery Acquisition Plan, endorsed by the Queensland Spatial Information Council (QSIC).

What's included

Your subscription to the program provides access to over $4.5 million in newly acquired high-resolution imagery (licence permitting) annually. It includes:

  • regular aerial photography acquisitions and yearly whole-of-state high-resolution satellite imagery (excluding Tier 2B)
  • QSat imagery (additional cost) and special project airborne LiDAR data
  • best-practice standards to ensure visual quality, locational accuracy and providence (chain-of-custody)
  • storage and distribution system, including image web services and source data in key industry and interoperable formats
  • access to preferred supplier panels for project imagery (aerial photography, LiDAR, RPAS/drones).

Licence conditions

Conditions vary according to terms set by the supplier, but you can generally use the imagery:

  • for any internal purpose (including providing imagery to contractors working on your project)
  • in hard-copy products, provided you do not receive any payment for the imagery component of the product
  • on a website, provided it is in a format that cannot be edited and that you do not receive payment for access to the website.

Subscription costs

Prices are based on the organisation's area of geographic interest (e.g. local, regional or whole-of-state) and the potential imagery data available to them under licensing arrangements.

You can make additional contributions into the program to ensure imagery (including LiDAR) is acquired for a specific location (conditions apply).



Data availability (licensing)

Yearly subscription (incl. GST)

Yearly QSat subscription (incl. GST)


Queensland Government departments, agencies and government-owned corporations (state interest)

Annual high- resolution satellite imagery and aerial photography


Included with basic membership


Queensland Government-owned corporations, natural resource management groups (regional interest)

Annual high-resolution satellite imagery and aerial photography


Additional $11,000


Australian Government departments and private companies (regional or state interest)

Aerial photography


Not available


Local government authorities (local interest)

Annual high-resolution satellite imagery and aerial photography


Additional $11,000

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