Mining and resources maps and spatial data

The Geological Survey of Queensland (GSQ) produces a wide range of geological and tenure maps. This guide describes the types of products available and how to access them.

Interactive geoscience and tenure maps

You can access Geoscience and tenure information through 2 online mapping applications.

GeoResGlobe is an application that will let you view, query, analyse, download and print spatial information about the mining and resources industry.

Queensland Globe is an interactive tool that will let you view a range of mines information.

Spatial data


QSpatial lets you access geoscience spatial data to use with your GIS software:

  1. On the QSpatial search page, click Choose categories, then select Geoscientific Information.
  2. Enter a keyword in the search term field to narrow your search.

Refer to our QSpatial Quicklinks (PDF, 618KB) to assist with your mines-related searches. This includes:

  • Data type: categories to assist in searching—includes Administrative (Lands), Administrative (Mines), Constraint, Geology, Geophysical, Infrastructure, Permit, Resource, Topographic, Water
  • QSpatial title: the search term for the dataset in QSpatial
  • Metadata abstract: the description of the dataset
  • Download/metadata hyperlink: the hyperlink that opens the download page for the relevant dataset in QSpatial.

Map collections

The Queensland Mining and Exploration Map Collection can be accessed from the GSQ Open Data Portal. It contains the following categories:

  • geochemistry
  • geology
  • groundwater
  • index
  • industrial rock
  • mine
  • mineral occurrence
  • resource.

The collection is currently being populated, beginning with the geoscience collection. Over time the collection should grow to include more than 10,000 current and historical map products.


  • You will need the latest version of Acrobat Reader to open the PDFs for the 2018 Compilation plots.
  • For optimal printing results please use the latest postscript driver for your printer.
  • Read our geoscience digital data guide for details of available datasets.

Geological maps

Geological maps of Queensland which show different scales of vector and hard copy map coverage are available:

Download maps (in PDF or image formats) free of charge from the GSQ Open Data Portal.

Tenure maps

Digital copies are available from the Map Collection in the GSQ Open Data Portal.