Amending the strategic cropping land trigger map
Where it can be demonstrated that the strategic cropping land (SCL) trigger map does not represent the actual extent of SCL in the particular area of interest, the map may be corrected. Corrections may be necessary either as a result of a regional interests development approval, or because a SCL map amendment application successfully demonstrates that the SCL area should be changed.
Changes to the map via a regional interests development approval
You do not need to apply to amend the strategic cropping land trigger map if you are applying for a regional interest development approval under the Regional Planning Interests Act 2014 (RPI Act), and you are addressing required outcome 1 for the strategic cropping area (whether the proposed land meets the 8 SCL soil criteria). The amendment will occur, if appropriate, following the resolution of the development application.
Changes to the map via a map amendment
If you think the strategic cropping land (SCL) trigger map does not represent the actual extent of SCL in relation to the 8 SCL soil criteria set out in the Regional Planning Interests Regulation 2014 (RPI Regulation), or has obvious map errors in your particular area of interest, you can apply to the Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing, and Regional and Rural Development to amend the map.
An obvious mapping error is an area for which an SCL criteria assessment is not required and is easily visible on an aerial or satellite image. Examples include existing open cut mines, power stations, major dams, quarries, licensed wastewater storages, holding ponds and airports. Generally, the disturbance for the 'obvious error' will have occurred or been authorised prior to the commencement of the repealed Strategic Cropping Land Act 2011 (SCL Act), or as a result of an approval under the SCL or RPI Acts.
How to apply for a direct map amendment
It is recommended that you contact the department before submitting your application to step through the requirements to ensure your application is processed as quickly as possible.
An application to amend the SCL trigger map should include:
- an application form: strategic cropping land trigger map—map amendment (PDF, 259KB)
- the applicable fee
- information on the location of the land where the amendment is proposed
- sufficient evidence that demonstrates that the land mapped as SCL on the SCL trigger map is not SCL
- the contact details, if known, of the owner(s) of the land subject to the application and the dates that the affected owners were provided information about the application
- response to any requests for additional information by the department in the time frame identified, unless otherwise approved.
Applicant's responsibility
It is the applicant's responsibility to provide a copy of the application to any owner(s) of the land subject to the application and allow an appropriate period of time, which is to be determined in consultation with the department, for the owner(s) to make a submission.
Notification is only required to owners who are not applicants.
As a minimum, we recommend a notification period of at least 20 business days for small, less complex applications. For large, complex applications a greater period of time which is reflective of the size and scale of the application may be necessary.
Your application must also contain an SCL map of the subject land, as well as supporting data and relevant attachments. The application form provides details of requirements.
Assessment process
Upon receipt of an application lodged by an interested party seeking to amend the SCL trigger map, the department will receipt the applicable fee and issue correspondence to the applicant acknowledging receipt of application.
Applications (assessment period) will be assessed as follows:
- Evidence put forward by the applicant in relation to the criteria contained in schedule 3 of the RPI Regulation will be evaluated.
- Additional information will be requested from the applicant, where required.
- Submissions made by owners of land that may be affected by the application will be considered.
- A draft amendment of the SCL trigger map will be prepared where a recommendation to amend the map is made.
- Decided amendments will be included in periodic amendments to the SCL trigger map, which are approved by the Chief Executive.
- The applicant and affected owners will be notified of the final decision.
These definitions will assist you in understanding the purpose of this map amendment process.
Owner(s) of land: means any of the following that may be applicable to the land subject to the application:
- if freehold land, the registered owner of the land
- if the land is the subject of a lease, the lessee of the land
- if the land is a reserve, the trustee of the reserve
- if a person has occupation rights in relation to the land under a licence or permit, the licensee or permittee
- if the holder has a resource authority issued under a Resource Act.
Regulated vegetation management map: see the Vegetation Management Act 1999.
Resource authority: see the Regional Planning Interests Act 2014.
Resource Act: see the Regional Planning Interests Act 2014.
Assessment period for applications to amend the SCL trigger map
There is no defined assessment period for considering an application to amend the SCL trigger map. The period of time taken to assess an application depends on:
- the complexity of the proposed amendment
- the completeness and quality of the information provided in the application
- the number of affected owners that have made a submission.
Application fees
These fees apply to applications to amend the SCL trigger map.
Nature of application | Fee |
To rectify an obvious mapping error, for which a SCL criteria assessment is not required to decide the application | {{ pass_36656 }} |
SCL criteria assessment over an area of less than 30ha | {{ pass_36657 }} |
SCL criteria assessment over an area of 30ha or more, but less than 100ha | {{ pass_36658 }} |
SCL criteria assessment over an area of 100ha or more | {{ pass_36659 }} |
Note: We may refund all or part of the SCL map amendment fee where the application is withdrawn before substantial assessment has been carried out by us.