Business Concierge

The Queensland Government Business Concierge connects small and family business owners with the right information on programs and services to support their unique situation.

Speak to a representative servicing your region—we have representatives available across Queensland ready to assist.

Local representatives

Far North Queensland

Melissa Fox is your contact point for the Business Concierge in Far North Queensland. Based in Cairns, Melissa supports businesses from the Cassowary Coast to the Torres Strait.

North Queensland

Gerard Millican is your contact point for the Business Concierge in North Queensland. Based in Townsville, Gerard supports businesses from Townsville and Charters Towers to Mount Isa and Burketown.

Central Queensland

Cassandra Wigginton is your contact point for the Business Concierge in Central Queensland. Based in Mackay, Cassie supports businesses in Mackay, Gladstone and Rockhampton to Emerald, Longreach and Birdsville.

Darling Downs South West region

This position is currently under recruitment.

When an officer is employed they will support businesses from Toowoomba to Roma to Charleville.

North Coast region

Joe Proctor is your contact point for the Business Concierge for the North Coast of Queensland. Based in Maroochydore, Joe supports businesses from North Lakes, Sunshine Coast and Moreton Bay to Fraser Coast and Wide Bay.

South East region

Glenn Ayrton is your contact point for the Business Concierge for the South East region. Based on the Gold Coast, Glenn supports businesses from Logan to Scenic Rim.

Metropolitan region

Lisa McBrien is your contact point for the Business Concierge in the Brisbane metropolitan area. Based in Mount Gravatt, Lisa supports businesses in Brisbane, Redland and Ipswich.

Not sure which region you fit into?

Fill out our contact request form and we will refer you to the staff member best placed to support you.

Contact us

For more information on the Business Concierge contact us on 13 QGOV (13 74 68) or

Interpreter services

If you need an interpreter, phone 1800 512 451.