Business Boost Grants Program

Successful applicants announced

Final stage: Grant recipients have been notified of their outcomes. View the list of grant recipients.

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The Business Boost grants program assists small businesses to enhance their efficiency and productivity through a grant payment of between $10,000 and $20,000 (excluding GST). If successful, funding is paid in 2 milestone payments.

Funded businesses are expected to:

  1. boost turnover, profit and employment
  2. increase business confidence and skills
  3. enhance the business's efficiency and productivity
  4. improve business resilience and survivability.

This support includes funded activities in 3 project areas:

  1. Future planning
  2. Specialised and automated software
  3. Planning and systems for staff management and development.

Round 4 documents and information:

Previous rounds - key documents

Round 3 key documents

View the successful applicants for Business Boost round 3.

Read these key documents and information:

More information

View our small business grants schedule or to learn what other support you may be eligible for.

You can also subscribe to the Business Queensland Connect newsletter to keep up to date with the latest information for Queensland small businesses.

Contact us

For further information about the program email us at