About Queensland Small Business Month

Queensland Small Business Month (QSBM) is held during May, celebrating our small businesses and the vital contribution they make to Queensland's economy and to our communities across the state. With more than 482,000 small businesses in Queensland, they account for 97% of the business sector, contributing around $131 billion to the state's economy.

Each year a range of events and activities are held in May right across Queensland, sharing information and tools to help our small business owners. Chambers of commerce, local governments and other groups are encouraged to organise their own events to celebrate their local small businesses and register them on our Business events calendar.

These events provide small business owners with opportunities to connect with local resources and networks to respond to business challenges and opportunities. The Department of Customer Services, Open Data and Small and Family Business hosts or supports stakeholders to organise a variety of events each year.

The Better Local Business Grant program provides funding to run regional events during QSBM in May. Funding is available to chambers of commerce and industry, local councils and chambers, and industry and business associations to run regional events that have a local impact to ensure a greater reach into small business communities.

There's a range of tools and information to support small businesses to grow in Queensland. Business Launchpad assists people to find the regulatory information, including permits and licences, needed to turn a business idea into a new operation. A 20-minute business health check can help an operating business understand their strengths and which areas to focus on.

Check out recordings from our 2023 QSBMonline sessions. Presenters included business and industry experts who covered a broad range of topics.

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