Buying a business

Explore the option of buying an existing business as an alternative to starting your own business from scratch.

Deciding to buy a business

Explore the pros and cons of buying an existing business.

Due diligence when buying a business

Learn how to reduce the risk of buying the wrong business or paying too much.

Completing the purchase of a business

Learn about valuing a business, how to make an offer, and contract agreements.

Take the business readiness health check

Discover if you, your idea, and your plans are in shape to start a new business.

Tools and resources

Find more information and support to help you start or buy a business.

Business readiness health check

Use our online health check to assess your business start-up plans and receive a list of resources to help you.

Business Launchpad

Find the licences and permits you need to start your business.

Video - Starting a business

Watch our video to help develop your idea, skills, and plans to start a business.