Planning a new business
Before you start your business, make sure that your business idea will succeed. Use our guides, checklists and tips to help you plan your idea and sharpen the personal skills you'll need to be a business owner.
Start your new business journey by:
- taking the business readiness health check
- watching our starting a business video.
Explore and research your business idea
Check your idea will succeed by researching your market, customers and competitors.
Key elements of starting a business
Read an overview of legal, regulatory, resource and finance considerations for business start-ups.
Feasibility analysis for new businesses
Understand how to conduct feasibility analysis for starting a new business, including the types of analysis, financial viability and human resources.
Are you ready to be a business owner?
Discover if you are ready to start a business or become a business owner and find the support you need to handle any challenges.
Skills for running a business
Learn about the skills you will need to run a successful business, such as communication, customer service and how to assess skill gaps.
Writing a business plan
Discover what a business plan is and how you can prepare or update one for your business. Download our free business plan template.
Costs to start and run your business
Learn about common start-up costs and how to determine these costs for your new business.
Managing risk when starting up
Find out how to identify, analyse and manage risks to protect your business.
Take the business readiness health check
Discover if you, your idea, and your plans are in shape to start a new business.
Tools and resources
Find more information and support to help you start or buy a business.
Working with business advisers
Learn what to consider before choosing a professional to help you achieve your business goals.
Business Launchpad
Find the licences and permits you need to start your business.
Video - Starting a business
Watch our video to help develop your idea, skills, and plans to start a business.